Deremensis babies hatching

A bit late, but better late than never ;) Here are the facts summarized:
-juveniles can be kept the first 2-3 months in groups without problems
-males show tiny little horndots some days after hatching
-juveniles drink extremely much, from the first day
-j. dont each much in the first week. Some start to eat "good" after some weeks ! (so dont be afraid if they are no eating machines)
-first shedding after 8-10 weeks, around this point the color changes from blue to the typical green
-temperatures were at day round 20°C at night a bit lower
I have the article somewhere scanned on one of my externe hd's and ,if anyone is interested I can send it (but it's in German !)

Hope those infos help to raise them. I keep my fingers crossed ;)

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Unfortunately, I only have a 12X12X12, but it will be a start until I get a screened cage modified for the little ones.

Fits perfectly ! Deremensis are one of the lazyiest species, they dont move much. They are extreme sit and wait predators (like our cat ;))
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