Dez and Jason brought me a little something to the Repticon.

Congratulations Jann!! Sadie is asbolutely adorable!! What a tiny little beauty! I'm so glad that you've got a little ray of sunshine to brighten your days after having a few rough months. What a wonderful blessing!! :)
Thank you all for the compliments and kind words about little Sadie. I weighed her yesterday and she's 3.6 grams.
Jann I have tears of happiness just steaming down my face!!!!! Dez this was the sweetest gesture. Such a good time to help Jann after so much sadness. Thank you so much Dez. Jann there is no doubt you are in live with your little Sadie girl already!!! I know watching them by webcam sure did make us feel a part of their lives. You have been there with her from the moment she was born!!!! Bless you... I am just so thrilled for you!!! :)
Jann, what an awesome surprise!!!!!! Sadie is soooo adorable and the video of her eating, too cute!!!!! i'm thinking she is going to fit right in with all of the others, and there definitely will be a special connection between you two!!!! :)
Thanks so much for all the kind words. She is just the sweetest little thing and she loves to eat. :)

Robin you are so very kind and Dez you and Jason are the best!
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