Did it AGAIN-- treefrogs ugggggg

The tadpole to frog-let transformation still captivates and facininates me after all these years. Thanks again, Red for capturing the journey with photos and comments! (y)
Actually-- Thanks to you and a few others for the interest.. This stuff is in my blood to do but sharing is PLUS because it allows me to go beyond my normal observations.. Makes me wonder what would I have don't going to Vet/herp/zoology after high school (198 3)instead of military..
Done thinking that-- I might not be here.. haa haa haa

Next week I will share my horror story about tadpoles and the reason I posted "Did it again".. It was (WAS) never in my mind to attempt it again.. heeheehee The waiting game.. haa haa :LOL: (y)
Quick update on the little fells--- not the horror story yet :) must wait..

Last night I caught him shedding but he still has not eaten, so wanted to document for learning purposes.

He/she is skinny which has me worried but hopeful. I caught him shedding and was trying to get a small cricket in his mouth as it eats his skin.. No luck. So will be monitoring more and will add more fruit flies and hope he picks up eating on his own.

Few pics of him puffing to stretching his skin for consumption.

Last pic is size comparison between him (actually smaller than a normal baby) and an adult female.

He's got some growing to do.. (y)


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quick update on Tiny--- He still has not eaten as of this A.M. so decided to force feed a baby cricket (I hate doing it but he was getting a little to weak for my likings). He was able to gobble it down once it was in his mouth. Which is what was needed. Great!

Here are some pic for size comparison to his siblings.

I separate frogs by size, since frogs will eat each other if they have the opportunity.

Tomorrow will have the horror story with a few pics. (y)


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Froglet Horror:eek:

Did it AGAIN---uggggg Reason and short story.

So in Feb of 2020 before lock downs- I had the opportunity to get some tadpoles for the second time. First time was great and had wonderful success and still have a few today.

So picked up 10 tadpoles from a breeder that I have done business with. During the exchange I gave him 4 adult females with the understanding he would supply me with (Minimum) 40 tadpoles to be collected over undetermined timeframe. I told him if I have sucess I probably would not want any more. Good deal for both of us.

So about 2 to 3 weeks later all was going well and tadpoles were morphing as planned. EXCEPT they needed to get their front legs to pop out of pouch.
These are actual pictures of the issue. Remember, I am not an expert just a hobbyist with a little understanding how it all works, not problems.

Well!!!!!! the froglets started leaving the water without the full front legs, so I figured (since I see the arms) they will pop out soon. Remember I really didn't know of problems that could happen (huge learning experience). Then after a few days, the babies started dyeing off one by one.

With 9 baby gone, I decided to try and force feed the last one. He lived a few weeks but eventually did not make it. The last one and a few others didn't even have front legs.. I was so confused as what I did wrong...

I was looking for a home for my adult high red pac-man frogs and a breeder wanted to trade me a few Whites tree frogs for the pac-mans.

I shared my issue and he told me this is what happens when breeders use hormones to induce breeding. I contacted they guy whom traded me the tadpoles and he said, he did not have the issue with the other 1,000 tadpoles. Then ghosted me.
I just wanted good on the other 30 maybe with different batch since I didn't think the problem was with his tadpoles.

So almost 2 years later I see tadpoles for sale.. I asked if he was the guy I had purchased from before and he said "NO".

I drove to pick-up and said, Hey remember me? He said, "Yes" but never brought up the tadpoles having issues. So, during conversation about his moving he told me he had 1,000's of tadpoles that did not grow front lets (he knew he did me wrong).

So, I am just SO glad this thread worked out. Now ya know why "AGAIN" uggg was a mental challenge for me-- I tried so hard to keep the 2 legged frogs alive but failed😞...

Note: The guy actually changed his practice and no longer induce breeds his stock (heard of the process but didn't know this breeder used it).. He lost way more $$$$ trying to beat mother nature.

Thanks for all your time and interests...



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Just had to share this chubby little fella. Note: I only handle during cleaning and most of the time don't have to since I clean twice a day.. They eat and poop a lot.
1st pic Oct 24th
2nd pic Dec 2nd
About 60 week old crickets later.


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Update! 1/19/2022
So a little while ago I added the little ones with the adults. Note: It took time to make sure the little ones would not get gobbled up. A lot of time in the dark with a red light so I can see what what going on.

I put that in there in case someone was going to try and mix adults with babies------- they should not do it. (y)

For some reason the babies LOVE to sit on the heads of the adults or just climb on them. There are times when there is 2 or 3 on the poor adults head.

The water portion is thriving as there are baby mollies that have been born and doing well (baby eyes can be seen in the tummy area).
I added a few albino gold mystery snail about 5 months back that have been eating up most of the algae (put them in and they were 1/4 inch now pushing about 1"--- fast growers).


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Nice home you made for them. I remember years ago you could buy adults at pet stores and Petsmart, usually labeled "White's Dumpy Frog" :D
Just like the Cubans you have, Whites would be able to survive too. I think since White's cost more is the reason people didn't let them go as often (I am sure it is only a matter of time they will make a presence in the "Invasive species list" JMO. They might already be on it but I am pretty sheltered with my own stuff these days.

Edit: Just found this-
""""It has introduced populations in New Zealand, South America, and Florida"""" I did not know. :) (y)

Shhhhhhhhhhh-- That was a long time ago... There are differences from those back in the day "White's Dumpy Frog" which were WC from Australia- Once they were protected, they started getting imports from Indonesia also called white's tree frogs. So today is a combination of breeding both, which produce the plump but not Dumpy Frog (over plump) look. The ones now a-days are mostly captive bred for traits and morph colors (Indonesian ones are imported but many look sick and have horrific parasites over-load). Australia has been closed for many years, but maybe some people sneak them out.

Not yet produced or available (since the breeders have had all the morphs, just not letting go yet to the public---not 100 percent sure) would be the Super Snowflake Honey Blue Eye.

So, at the Reptile show this weekend Pomona Ca, will ask owners of some of the big breeders "What's Up?" and maybe bring home a treasure for the tank.

That being said, I don't have a favorite, they are all wonderful to watch. Plus, photos only show the still image and not their frogalities, they all do different things with---- movements looking, jumping, curious about different foods, some even like to jump in the water for a fish (silly little guys).

I will also be looking from some Dwarf or Pigmy Chams.. Had fun many years ago and think they would make a nice project to share with others.
All is going well and the frogs seem really happy as their growth is a little faster than expected.
Here are some updated pics.

PLUS!!!!!!!! Did it again! What am I thinking???????? It will be fun fun fun-

Opportunity for some baby milk frogs came up and, in the discussion, shared my White's treefrog experience so did a trade and $$ exchange.

The person said, Hey I still have tadpoles. Fish, Line and Sinker---- Had to giver a go.. They will be black and white as froglets/baby frogs and you can see in the back legs there is some color changing going on already.. So excited---

Amazon Milk Frog Tadpoles---- Time to get working on another set-up...
The saga begins again- (y) :coffee:


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Thanks! I was feeding other critters and looked into their tank--- Had to share. They are so funny and I don't understand the need to climb over or on each other.. There are so many hiding spots.
I like gummy bears so hope "the need to feed" never happens.. Just kidding!


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Well! I have seen your set-up work and know you would make a fun habitat for both you and the frogs.
Know this: If you step into the frog or toad domain--- there are so many species, morphs and odd behaviors (individualism) that one species might not be enough. :LOL: (y)

Personally-- I would stick with the ones you have outside and develop a relationship with them -tweezer / for food, hand and kindness. They are trainable and who doesn't like free food? haa haa

Earlier I read there were some established groups of the White's tree frogs in Florida but could never find a picture (so believe they are there but will always not be100% sure)--- ( my searches might be wrong ). The common green tree frog can get big and might be called Giant green tree frog which is another name for the White's. So there is always the possibility of a mix up. If your retired, you can start a quest for the Mystery of the Giant Green Tree Frog ( AKA White's). :unsure: :cautious::unsure:(y)
I had to google Milk Frog as I've never seen/heard of them! I look forward to seeing the tadpoles transition into little froglets here :)
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