Diet of veiled chameleon


Hey In the last three days my chameleon has started eating considerably more (from 3-6 a crickets a day to now about 10-13). He's 3-4 months old and I was wondering if there's such thing as over feeding them at this stage in their life? Or if I should just feed him as many as he'll eat in a day? Thanks!
What I have always done with young chameleons is to feed them as much as they will eat in a couple of minutes at each feeding and then leave a cricket or two in the cage for a snack. If the chameleon starts getting fat cut back a bit.
Make sure your insects are well fed, but loaded properly and dusted appropriately too.
What I have always done with young chameleons is to feed them as much as they will eat in a couple of minutes at each feeding and then leave a cricket or two in the cage for a snack. If the chameleon starts getting fat cut back a bit.
Make sure your insects are well fed, but loaded properly and dusted appropriately too.
Crickets are guttloading with carrots and oranges. I dust with calcium 5 days a week and with d3 once every two weeks and multivitamin once every twoweeks(alternating with the d3). Also kind of off this subject but when should their feeding be cut back? My chameleom won't cup feed from me holding a cup so I can't really do the however many in a few minutes:(
Do you free-range the crickets in the cage? That's what I have always done.
When they are several months old I cut back to using the same feeding method but every second day.
My battery is dying so I will answer more later. Sorry.
Do you free-range the crickets in the cage? That's what I have always done.
When they are several months old I cut back to using the same feeding method but every second day.
My battery is dying so I will answer more later. Sorry.
No Problem! I usually free range 8-10 and put 2-4 in his feeder cup(been putting in 12 total a day since he's upped the amount he's esten).
As long as he's not getting very fat you're not overfeeding and as long as he's not getting thin you aren't underfeeding him.

Regarding feeding/gutloading the insects...I use a wide variety of greens and veggies such as collards, dandelion greens, kale, endive, carrots, sweet red pepper, sweet potato, squash, zucchini and a small amount of fruit such as Apple, pear, melons, berries.
As long as he's not getting very fat you're not overfeeding and as long as he's not getting thin you aren't underfeeding him.

Regarding feeding/gutloading the insects...I use a wide variety of greens and veggies such as collards, dandelion greens, kale, endive, carrots, sweet red pepper, sweet potato, squash, zucchini and a small amount of fruit such as Apple, pear, melons, berries.
Do you know anyway to gut load hornworms other than the feeds sold online for them?
Honestly sounds like your doing a solid job at feeding times. I used to feed my young girl 10 a day until she hit 7 months, I know the age is same but girls are slightly different to lower there egg count. But For my guy I did 10 till 9 months. Then after i did 8 every other day after that. So far hes super happy and healthy. As far as the horn worms go, ive always gotten them from Mulberry Farms there hornworm chow is really good and healthy, nothing harmful. So I always used that, its not expensive and it makes alot.
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