Looks great! I have a question for veiled owners. I just noticed that when mine is chomping on crickets, there is like a cavity in the casque that moves with his jaw. Is that normal or a sign of any deficiency? I have had him for about 2 months and its the first time I noticed it.
i acually dont know where he is from he was delivered to a pet shop i worked at but i took care of him the entire time so ive had him at my house for 8 months but taken care of him for 10 and i notice the same thing wit his casque that it moves when he chews i guess its just muscle and yea he has alot of light that pales the pictures out
i have no idea but his eyes would dislocate randomly he would stick them out and they would move to the point where his nose is. its really weird i have a video im going to put up soon. maybe someone could tell me