Different foods.


New Member
Hi all i have just been to get some small brown crickets at the shop,

And they had stocked up on live food, and saw some baby locusts, i got some of these as well for a change, i take it they are ok to feed to a 6-7 week old veield?

And also i got little container of waxworms prob about 20 in there, i have read on here to not feed them to often? well some of them looked a bit big? but there was some tiny ones in there, i put 2 in the viv they were eaten instanly, like she came over the other side of the viv for them, so i take it they like them,

How many of these would be over doing it? and the bigger ones would they be ok to feed, as they are soft bodied so i take it they can chew them better?

So i now have small locust, brown crickets, wax worms, and some meal worms , which the crickets and locusts i will gut load, is that enough variety?
Sorry fot all the questions, but like to get it all correct thanks Oski:)

Also if the locusts are ok to feed are they ok to put in with crickets? and are they silent? as my crickets are, thanks
Use small super worms instead of mealworms. Wax worms can be used two or so times a month. You can guload the superworms too. Rule of thumb is don't feed anything bigger than the space between your chams eyes. It can be longer though and soft bodied insects can be just a tiny bit bigger because they squish. I would also add one more thing like silkworms or roaches.
Use small super worms instead of mealworms. Wax worms can be used two or so times a month. You can guload the superworms too. Rule of thumb is don't feed anything bigger than the space between your chams eyes. It can be longer though and soft bodied insects can be just a tiny bit bigger because they squish. I would also add one more thing like silkworms or roaches.

Hi thanks Pshh, when you say 2 or so times a month do you mean, like 2-3 actual waxworms, or like give them a few but only 2 or so times a month?

The meal worms i have not used for a few days now so will avoid them, and i have never seen silkworms, roaches or superworms, in any shop near me, i will have to check out online sites, so loucusts are ok? thanks again.
Mealworms are generally not a good staple food item as they have very chitinous outer skin which can be difficult for chameleons to digest. They do, however, love the newly moulted 'white' mealworms. I use them occasionally as treat and my two love them, but they only get the newly moulted ones when I get a new pack every couple of months. They can be gutloaded with the same foods as locusts and crickets. Gutload foods to avoid though are spinach and brocolli as these contain oxylates which bind to the calcium preventing absorption. I most often use carrot, wild rocket leaves (sold in packs in supermarkets) and apple. Silkworms eat a special chow (which is made from Mulberry leaves). Crickets also love bee pollen and I've seen mine fight over it and snatch it off of each other!

You can buy Silkworms and Phoenix worms (also known as Calci-Worms or CalciGrubs here in the UK). Roaches may be too big for you little baby at the moment but are worth thinking about in the future. Here's a couple of links for you:


At that age small Phoenix worms would probably be popular, as would small silkworms. Butterworms are OK to feed occasionally too. The link to the Butterworms site is where I buy my my silkworms and chow usually, but they are not readily available. I have just recently found silkworms on ebay and have been very pleased with them!

As pssh has already said, remember the 'width between the eyes' rule and you should be ok!
I am going to buy medium phoenix worms for my 3-4 month old veiled. I was told that the mediums should be a good size because if you order small they are tiny. Phoenix worms do not require any food or maintence besides keeping the dirt they come in from getting dry. You don't have to gutload or dust phoenix worms which makes it alot less cheaper on you. They are high in calcuim which make them very good to feed.
I am only ordering them to work with Charlie. I was told by miss lily that you can get your chameleon use to your hand and you by training with worms. You take phoenix worms or w/e you use and place them on your hand. You work your way up your arm until finally the chameleon gets use to you feeding that way with worms. After awhile they will climb to your arm with out any worms ;)
Locusts are illegal in the US, you have to catch them in the wild. Phoenix worms are not hornworms, but coastalsilkworms sells hornworms.
Would locusts be the same as crickets in terms of nutrients for the chameleon, as if so i will work out which ones i get on best with and use them most if not i will mix them up, both will be gutloaded, and im quite interested in them roaches when she grows. as i read you can breed them,etc, gonna order some silk worms too, lol i have so many different bugs in the last few days, thanks

Small locust, small crickets, small superworms, silkworms, small butterworms, small roaches - the more variety the better! Locust are a bit better than crickets, nutritionally.

here are some locations from which you can purchase bugs:

Thanks for them,
i wll order some silk worms as they seem good,

And good to know about the locusts as they have loads of them right up to big massive ones bigger than the biggest crickets in there, also is it ok to gut load locust same crickets? like carrot sweet potatoe, collards etc? or do they eat other stuff?
And also i saw them super worms i think today,

but they were not called that, something else i thought they were giant mealworms,

as they were quite big would these be to big for my young 6 week old veiled , as they are long but thin, longger than my wax worms, sorry for the million questions, but learning alot :)
And also i saw them super worms i think today,

but they were not called that, something else i thought they were giant mealworms,

as they were quite big would these be to big for my young 6 week old veiled , as they are long but thin, longger than my wax worms, sorry for the million questions, but learning alot :)

Superworms are called Morio Worms over here.;) When he gets to 4 months plus he may be able to eat some smaller Morios. Chams also love the newly moulted ones of these too!
Don't be sorry. You will learn alot from questioning, as I have.;)

Yeah i have learned loads, as the reptile stores, only tell you so much, so its good getting info/tips etc, but im constantly asking, loads more to come no doubt,:)
And also i saw them super worms i think today,
but they were not called that, something else i thought they were giant mealworms

caution - giant mealworms could mean regular mealworms given growth enhancers. These are not good for the chameleon.

Yes, gutload the locust.
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