Different foods.

Superworms are called Morio Worms over here.;) When he gets to 4 months plus he may be able to eat some smaller Morios. Chams also love the newly moulted ones of these too!

Thats it is it i think, thats good to know as the local place to me, does wax worms, crickets/locusts , them morios, and meal worms, so order some silk and i should be ok for a while, and when she gets a bit bigger get some roaches,
Yeah i have learned loads, as the reptile stores, only tell you so much, so its good getting info/tips etc, but im constantly asking, loads more to come no doubt,:)

Learning anything "right" from a store won't happen. When I came to this site and asked the exact thing I learned or posted what I learned from the store, They all went nuts and told me the "right" answers. I'm not saying not to trust any store but you need to check your answers twice :p maybe more
I wont start a seperate thread for this but is asparagus ok for gut loading my insects? as i have found some in the fridge, so far i have sweet potatoe, carrot, and a few oats, does thsi sound ok ,. i looked at the chart i could not see it on there,
I wouldn't, just because I'm not sure about it. I find that crickets love dandelion leaves. They can't get enough of them! They also like fruits and bee pollen. They eat collards and mustard green, but not as vigorously as dandelions.
I wouldn't, just because I'm not sure about it. I find that crickets love leaves. They can't get enough of them! They also like fruits and bee pollen. They eat collards and mustard green, but not as vigorously as dandelions.

Ok thanks for that, i will leave that out, i will see what else is around, for them,:)
Oops, I meant to say they love dandelion leaves... Haha. They do seem to prefer leafy foods though... Also, some pet stores know their stuff, it's just very hard to find any that actually do, so be weary. I've found one that does happen to know their fair share about all the animals they keep, and I'm very lucky for that.
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