Different types of Veiled's


New Member
I was just wondering if there are different species of veild chameleons like there is of panther chameleons? If so what are the different species? I have seen people saying that their chameleon is a sunburst veiled. Is there any sites that I could find info on? Thanks
The Veiled Chameleon species, contains two known subspecies.

-Chamaeleo calyptratus calyptratus
-Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer

is not readily found. It's distinguished by a shorter casque in males. It's possible that in the region where this subspecies lives, that there is less demand for water intake.


The "Sunburst" label is a designer name to make the chameleons sell better. The names will distinguish certain more prominent colours. (includes- Sunburst, Turquoise, European Blues, etc and any name that someone wants to use to market of their "Unique" veileds). In my opinion, breeding them is of no importance, but rather- a stunning veiled chameleon paired with a second stunning veiled will result in stunning babies.


Furcifer pardalis, The panther chameleon, has no subspecies. The colour groups are indicative of geographical localities of where they come from in the wild. The colour groupings are usually separated by, mountain ranges, rivers, plateaus, where over long periods of time, it have focused in the amount of individuals and bloodlines, to make more differentiated morphs.

Cross breeding locales is generally frowned upon, as females do not carry the colours the males do- regardless of their native origin- thus making it nearly impossible for breeders wanting to keep their bloodlines pure (as pure as possible...) to the natural evolution. There have been interesting findings that cross locale offspring are not as hardy, or can be infertile- this would be because the evolution has gone far enough to make the DNA less compatible. Yes- meaning that if they were left along another million years, that they could possibly split into different species.

The only source of information regarding this is:
The Panther Chameleon: Color Variation, Natural History, Conservation, and Captive Management
By: Gary W. Ferguson, James B. Murphy, Jean-Baptiste Ramanamanjato, Achille P. Raselimanana​
I don´t know any site about the veiled you´ve mentioned but I´ve read somewhere about the strange-coloured veileds (which are supposed to be different morphs) and I think that if you keep on searching in this site you´ll definitely find at least one- a yellow/orange male (I suppose his name was Storm).
And I´ve already seen rather blue veileds, but as I´ve read they were usually deformated (by crossing the chams who were from the same family).
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I knew about the panther chameleon difference just in location, I saw the map at chameleondish.com. Thanks for the other info, that was great. I just didn't know if there was a difference in Veilds. thanks again
Chamealeo calyptratus calyptratus is really only found in Yemen, hence the name Yemen Chameleon.

Chamealeo calyptratus calcarifer can be found in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. There is a natural boundary in the mountains which keeps these guys seperated.

I believe they have some what different patterns on their bodies along with the casque differances. Both are highly variable in the actual colors they show.
I don´t know any site about the veiled you´ve mentioned but I´ve read somewhere about the strange-coloured veileds (which are supposed to be different morphs) and I think that if you keep on searching in this site you´ll definitely find at least one- a yellow/orange male (I suppose his name was Storm).

Keep in mind that the chameleon in question, "Storm" (Now passed) is nothing like his parents in appearance. Mind you, both the parents are stunning- but have no Red or Orange whatsoever.
Hmm.. Yeah, I've heard of people referring to their veiled's as Yemen chameleons or Anjamba or something like that. Is there any distinction between them that you can tell what part or region your veiled would be from?
Hasn't the subspecies C.c.calcarifer now been declared invalid as it is supposed to be a naturally occuring hybrid of C.calyptratus and C.chameleon?
Ch. calyptratus calcarifer is a hybrid between Ch. calyptratus and Ch. arabicus. I don't think the subspecies has been officially wiped off the lists yet though even though the indication is that its just a hybrid.

Ahh, my bad. I was thinking it was Chamaeleo chamaeleon recticrista(sp?) for some reason.
Excellent thread

Excellent thread......I do have one Veiled pair but must admit that I don't get into anything about them other than the husbandry stuff. I was wondering about the names and descriptions I see advertised for them too. Great picture of slurping cham Will Hayward :)
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