DIGGING! Finally


New Member
I have been overprotective, I know, but my first mated lady is digging. She hasn't eaten in 4 days and has been wandering all over her cage. Made me wonder if she even knew where to go. This am I poked a hole into her egg bin and she is now in there digging away. There is dirt coming over the top of the bin! LOL

Go Lucy, go......pics of eggs to follow. HEHEHE I am so excited but I am staying away so she can be in peace. In fact, I have decided to go out for lunch to give her some time. Hopefully the dirt is moist enough so she won't bury herself. (STOP IT) Man, good thing I only have boys and no girls. Children that is. LOL:p
1 down 2 to go.....grrrrrr Fortunately they will all be over by next week. Lucy took 32 days for her eggs.
Be patient still .... it can take a long time for them to dig, lay and re-fill and pack the soil.

How deep is the container? She will probably go all the way to the bottom.

I think she went to the bottom, a good 10-12". I went to lunch and when I came home a few minutes ago all I could see was her nose poking out of the hole, barely.

I plan to water her well and offer her a few crickets when she is done. At least for a couple of days I will supply her with lots of food, water and calcium. Anything else I should do? I will update you on when I dig out the eggs.
Sounds like the perfect plan to me.
If her nose was peeking out, she's laying the eggs!
Good Work!


edit: make sure you keep the eggs in the position they were laid when you transfer them (don't turn them).

She is in the process of covering up her eggs as we speak. I guess I'll go get the vermiculite ready. I have a nice warm cabinet in the sun room all set to add the egg box. LOL I bought 2 plastic shoe boxes. I sure hope she doesn't lay more eggs then that.

34 eggs are safely put into the incubation bin. Mama is down to 53.86 g from 90.72 g. I would say well done. I gave her a good long drink with warm water. Of course she is covered in mud (next time it will be sand). It is their bedtime now and all are sleeping. I am exhausted! LOL

One of the eggs wasn't plump like the rest, but small and not full. I think it was the first one that came out because it was down at the bottom of the pile of eggs. I will be watching every week to see if it survives or molds.

Pictures to follow. My camera is full of pictures at the moment (wonder why) and I need to transfer them to my computer.

Thank you all for your patience
Congrats Naomi! i know its exciting with the first batch of eggs it will be even more with the babies that will be coming next year :)
Very nice clutch size.
To me this indicates a chameleon that is probably quite healthy and not over fed or over heated.
Agnes has laid a couple of those eggs that look a bit like deflated balloons ... they went bad.

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