Digital Cham Art :)

sancho- hey, are you able to work on black and whites as well? i have one i'd love to have done in black and white if possible, pm me or something :)
take care

the mentor
Aww! Thanks, Sancho!! She looks great - just like a cartoon Lily. Her new title will be : Lily the Little Green Chamele-Monster!!
Miss Lily - No problem :)

SLiK Jim - I got them give me a few hours to work on them. got like 4 others ahead of you :)

And here is a snake I just finished.

Sancho, I hate to mention this, but you should make a calender out of these guys. ;) Nice job. :)
No problems mate! It was too good to not give you sort sort of donation!

That's a great pic of a veiled. Someone could definitely use it as a logo on a rep website so stick some sort of copyright thing on it ASAP!
No problems mate! It was too good to not give you sort sort of donation!

That's a great pic of a veiled. Someone could definitely use it as a logo on a rep website so stick some sort of copyright thing on it ASAP!

They can try :) All my images have a water mark that only I know how to find. use my stuff without permission and get smacked :)
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