Digital Thermometers


Established Member
What is everyone's opinion on the best digital thermometers. I am not incredibly pleased with the ones that I have.
Is it neccesary to have digital? i have a sticky one i just stuck to the side of the enclosure, and another one in the middle... One tells me her basking spot temp, and the other is the middle, :p
Is it neccesary to have digital? i have a sticky one i just stuck to the side of the enclosure, and another one in the middle... One tells me her basking spot temp, and the other is the middle, :p

The analog ones with a needle and double-sided tape on the back are pretty inaccurate.
La Crosse Alert

hi there!
I have been using an indoor outdoor humidity and temperature sensor from my home weather station.
I have it set up with La Crosse Alerts, so I can log in and keep track of changes when I am away from home.
It may seem like overkill but it's accuracy and ability to check on it from where ever are a plus to me.
Yeah, I've been looking around trying to find a reliable digital temp/humidity gauge. Most of the feedback I've read has been somewhere in the middle between "crap" or "very relieable." Still haven't decided what to go with :confused:
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