dilepis spurs


New Member
Some pondering

I hatched C. d. dilepis babies last year, i got only one male in the bunch which had a obvious hemi-penal bulge right out of egg (no spur). What has shocked me is that the male out of the blue grew spurs. I have never heard of spurs growing out at 4-5 months has anyone else seen this in delepis or any other cham? I was under the impression if a cham has them they are always there.
C. d. dilepis - Congo; spurs in males, head and flaps. Very similar to petersii.

C. d. idjwiensis - Zaire (DRC), Lake Kivu, Idjwi Island, Upper Mulinga River. No spurs on males.
C. d. isabellinus - Malawi, Shire Highlands (Mts Zomba and Mulange)
C. d. martensi - Pemba Island, Tanzania.(?)

C. d. petersii - Mozambique. Spurs present.
C. d. roperi - Kenya, Kilifi, north of Mombasa. No spurs.
C. d. ruspolii - Somalia, Ogaden (This region may now be in Ethiopia depending on who is ahead in the continuing territorial disputes.)
C. d. quilensis - Angola, Cabinda, Rio Quilo, north of the Congo River mouth. Males have spurs.
yes i know the species list off adcham my question is i thought any cham that had spurs was born (hatched) with them not developed later mabey i wasent clear. so has anyone had babies that were not born with spurs but they appeared later on?
Hi Brandy,

long time ago we chat.

With my quilensis I was not able to notice the spurs on the baby's. I don't know if that is the exact answer you where looking for. I noticed them only after several months.

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