Dino fuel or big burger, which do you use?

4oz cricket crack = $5.00 tiki tiki
3oz bug burger = $6.98 repashy store
3oz dino fuel = $13.99 kilgourchameleons

16oz cricket crack = $15.00 tiki tiki
16oz bug burger = $17.98 repashy store
7oz dino fuel = $24.99 kilgourschameleons

DinoFuel and Raptor are $13.99 and $24.99 shipped. You left that part out Ataraxia. Also, DF and Raptor are not gel pre-mixes, nor are they like cricket crack. ( However, I believe Repashy and Cricket crack are excellent!) Df and Raptor are in powder form and work as a dust or as a gutload that you can sprinkle over fresh, organic vegetables, nuts, and seeds and a minimal amount is needed. On a final note, DF and Raptor are 100% Organic and 100% Non -GMO. I am sure you have a produce dept. at your locale grocery and organic produce in general costs more and there is no debate that it is healthier. Also, DinoFuel is 100% safe for human consumption.
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The disconnect between the tone of this thread and the subject matter has me scratching my head... We are talking bug food here, so no need for attacks :confused:

I have all the products being discussed here and they all have their uses alongside produce. I personally find DinoFuel to be the premium product and I only feed it to insects the night before they are fed off. I use bug burger and cricket crack interchangeably as my daily dry gutload. My bugs have no interest in the gel.

Because of my high nutrient gutload I dust with vitamins very sparingly.
The disconnect between the tone of this thread and the subject matter has me scratching my head... We are talking bug food here, so no need for attacks :confused:

I have all the products being discussed here and they all have their uses alongside produce. I personally find DinoFuel to be the premium product and I only feed it to insects the night before they are fed off. I use bug burger and cricket crack interchangeably as my daily dry gutload. My bugs have no interest in the gel.

Because of my high nutrient gutload I dust with vitamins very sparingly.

This isn't just bug food. All three products represent a revenue stream that I'm sure is a portion of more than afew people's livelihoods, not to mention all the research, passion, and risk that went into bringing it to market in the first place.

I think all three are good and anyone who doesn't have Sandra's passion and patience to carefully craft their own would be served well to buy and use all three.
The disconnect between the tone of this thread and the subject matter has me scratching my head... We are talking bug food here, so no need for attacks :confused:

I have all the products being discussed here and they all have their uses alongside produce. I personally find DinoFuel to be the premium product and I only feed it to insects the night before they are fed off. I use bug burger and cricket crack interchangeably as my daily dry gutload. My bugs have no interest in the gel.

Because of my high nutrient gutload I dust with vitamins very sparingly.

+1 Diversity in the gutload regiment is essential to having a healthy and colorful chameleon! :) Great Work!
Something went wrong with my order. Tom totally fixed it and it shipped fast! Scratch what I said about shipping there was just some unusual issue. It was even the bigger size!

I am glad I was able to fix the problem. I have no idea what happened. I guess USPS misplaced your order. However, I am happy that I was able to make things right for you.

I find that my feeders DEVOUR the dinofuel when I sprinkle it on veggies and such. More so than other gutloads ive used. I really feel like my cham is getting what he needs.

IMO try them both out.. Then you have the best of both worlds. Dinofuel seems to be the most reasonably priced, at least as shipping goes.Bug burger is very expensive at the pet store by me and shipping isn't free online for it

That is great news to hear. I am glad your bugs like them as much as mine do. :)
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