dino fuel??


:) Im trying to order dino fuel but am having a hard time finding where to order from :confused: maybe im just not looking in right places, anyone can help?? :) also raptor?? whats the diffrence? thank u!! Renee!
kilgourschameleons.com is the place that you can order it from, and shipping is free. It is made by tom kilgour who is a cham breeder, and he is one of the site sponsors. Raptor edition promotes more red coloring in chams, and regular promotes blues and greens. It really does work, and fast:D
Just ordered some :D

Just purchased the 3oz Bag, hopefully that lasts me awhile!

I PM'd Tom a few days ago and he replied with some brief instructions and nutritious facts about dinofuel. Also linked me to his site http://kilgourschameleons.com/products.asp

SHIPPING IS FREE! so i didn't have a problem ordering a bag
I sprinkle a teaspoon or so on a orange wedge twice a week. I feed to the crickets in the eveing and feed the crickets to the chams in the morning. A big thankyou to tom for his dynofuel it is awesome!
Tom is always posting on the site. You are sure to find one of his posts to PM him for any questions.
I sprinkle a teaspoon or so on a orange wedge twice a week. I feed to the crickets in the eveing and feed the crickets to the chams in the morning. A big thankyou to tom for his dynofuel it is awesome!
i did find his site after all... glad i found the right one to order from i cant wait to try it out! :D thank you! :D
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