Distance of basking light from cage - too far away?


New Member
We have a 3 mos. old panther cham, so I'm trying to keep the basking temp at around 85. However, in order to do that, I had to hang the Fluker's dome light with a 60 watt soft white light bulb about a foot above the cage. It seems so far from the cage that the light looks very dispersed, but the temperature probe on the digital thermometer reads 86. He also has a lot of cooler, shady areas to go to, even with it at that height. Is this too high? Does it defeat the purpose of a basking light? I could get a 40 watt bulb and put it closer. I've included some pics.

Any input or ideas?




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It does seem higher than usual but all in all I don't think you should have any problems, but I have Jacksons who I rarely see under their basking lights so I wouldn't know much.
It's best to angle the basking light in a corner so that it doesn't shine down on the rest of the cage. He/she'll be fine as long as he's getting those temps.
I agree with 40 watt and closer. If you want a better answer please tell me exactly how you conducted your measurement.
Thanks for your replies.

Seeco, I wasn't sure what information you needed for measurements. If you could be clearer on this, I will provide it as best I can.

Thanks again!

Was your thermostat an infrared with laser or was there like a node for the probe with a wire running to the digital screen?
There's a node with a probe with a wire running to the display. I also brought in a second thermometer to confirm the first one is working, and it had very similar numbers, so I'm pretty definite the temps are accurate.

I also don't want to move his basking vine any lower, because then it will be lower than much of the vegetation in his cage.

I'm thinking of getting a 40 watt bulb so that I can move it closer. But any ideas are always appreciated.

Thanks again!

Ok. Now the next question is: How long did you leave the probe under the center of the beam?
As long as your basking temp is where it should be, and there are still cool areas in your enclosure then no worries. With lowering the basking lamp and using a lower wattage bulb you can still run the risk of your cham getting burned.
Thanks for everyone's responses.

To Seeco, the probe is there 24/7.

To Reptilover, the ambient temp is in the mid-70's, as is the room temp. However, when we have hot days, it can get up to the 80's in the room.

To BeBoSON, I did end up using a 40 watt bulb which is still about 3 inches above the cage and giving me good temps.

Thanks again for everything! I think the 40 watt bulb resolved the issue.


Ya that should work. With a hotter bulb and the probe there continuously, the plastic will eventually get too hot and give you an exaggerated reading. At 3 inches I can hold my hand under a 40 watt for over a minute so your cham will be fine.

Now all you need is a shutoff sensor that turns the heat lamps off when it reaches 75 or 80
Can you recommend a shutoff sensor? I do have a thermostat, but it turns the light off (which controls the heat output), but won't the light turning off discourage the cham from staying under it?


I cant remember where I got mine from. The point is that, if the ambient temp hits 80 or even 75 the Cham does not need continuous basking. As the temp hovers around the off setting the light will switch on and off and the Cham will get as much as he needs.
They are very responsive to finding beams of warm light.
I get the ambient temperature for the basking spot, but if that temp is 85 for the "air" then the item in that location... branch/vine/etc... is going to be soaking up that all during the time the light is on. So by 5pm that branch is reading around 104 while the ambient air temp is still just 85.

This is what worries me and still looking for an answer about that issue. Like you said the digital probe will keep soaking up the heat raising the temp if its placed in proximity of the basking spot no?

I do not want to burn the chams belly or keep them from visiting their basking spot because the branch burns their feet pads.
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