DIY Misting System ideas...

I've lived in coastal NC for the last 3+ years and it is humid here. Even with our air on, his humidity never drops below 50%. I just worry because he hangs out on this one branch (seems like all the time, other than bedtime) and I never see him drink and now he's slightly dehydrated. I have a homemade dripper right above the branch that drips about 1 drip per second but once again, I never see him drink but maybe a few times in the last 3 and a half weeks I've had him. I'm not sure if he is still adjusting or not. I'm sure he has been through a lot as his last owner surrendered him and from the looks of his casque and back, I'm wondering if he had the start of MBD. I just want to make sure I do everything in my power to make him happy and give him a good quality of life. He seems scared to death of me (less of me and more of everyone else in my house) which makes me think that there was never any trust built up previously. I figure the more I show him food before I put it in his feeder run and maybe bring him outside to play in his own hibiscus Bush, the more he will warm up to me. Even just a little bit would be nice. I am patient but in the meantime I want to get this misting thing figured out for him. Even though he is scared, he really seems to have a curious personality (which I know most do I think) and seems sweet. Thank you so much for all of your recommendations. I'm so glad that I joined this forum and am thankful to all who have responded to my posts.

Well nothing hydrates like horn worms and silk worms. I wouldnt worry about "seeing" him drink. I think i see my chams drink 4-5 times in their lifetimes.
Well nothing hydrates like horn worms and silk worms. I wouldnt worry about "seeing" him drink. I think i see my chams drink 4-5 times in their lifetimes.
Yes. That is what I've heard. I gave him a good shower while outside in his hibiscus plant yesterday morning after our trip to the vet. He seems to be acting better today. Still not eating though. I've put 2 hornworms in his enclosure yesterday and nothing. I took them out last night before bed because I dont want them getting out. Lol. I put 2 more in this morning and they are still there. ?‍♀️ I guess I just mist like crazy and hope for the best. Not today but the last 2 days he ventured to the bottom of his enclosure and then only went as high as half way up. It wasn't like him. That's why I took him to the vet. I'm hoping he'll be fine.
Id just buy whats in the video, since he made it dead simple. The only "hard" part is picking the flow/pressure for the nozzles. One thing that people constantly over spend on is "bulk heads". They should be a buck or 2, but some people get away with charging $10-20-$30. If you have a local fish/hydroponics store, you may be able to get everything but the pump for under $40 easy. The pump is the only expense part, they are $20-120 depending on the model. But since you are using them for just misting and not boosting house lines with a high flow rate, just about any membrane pump will work if its gets to 40-60psi. Not to throw you off course, but some have even rigged up really cheap submersible fish pumps and found low pressure nozzles. The only down side is much bigger dropplets, so its more of a spray vs fine mist.

Once you get the hoses/fittings/nozzles FROM THE SAME SUPPLIER, its bone head easy. About the only pit fall is the knack to install the fittings. You cut the hose, shove it in the fitting, then complain on the interwebs that it leaks. Most people forget the final step, yank on the hose to set the seal so it doesnt leak.

On the video that is a very small pump, but its very inexpensive and fine for maybe 4 nozzles(i only use 1 nozzle per cage). I happen to fall into a big mamajamma on crags list from someone throwing out an "old" RO system that wasnt working any more. Its complete over kill and could fill a bath tub, its got 3/8" fittings, but luckily had reducers down to the normal 1/4".

As far as controlling it. Best bet is only of those 24/7 "utility" 3 prong timers, not the "lamp" timers. Those will cut all the power, the lamp timers do "funny" things when off. As for the "smart" switches, you either have to have a control hub, or the app constantly running on your phone.

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Would this pump work?
Yup, the 8800 models are the super overkill versions that we know and love. I run a 8800, and that video you liked also runs a 8800. The 8800 model has 3/8" out, but it comes with the 3/8 to 1/4 reducers so you can use the normal 1/4" chameleon lines and nozzles.
Sweet! Thank you.
Sweet! Thank you.

Now im not going to tell you how to live your life, but i did have one $100 pump commit suicide by falling into the bucket of water when i was filling the bucket. Since these pumps are self priming, you may just want to mount the pump on something other than the bucket, and just put the suck tube in the bucket after you fill it. Also you want to mount the pump on something floppy, if you mount it to something ridgid (some people mount them to the house pipe or studs...) it will rattle the whole house.
Now im not going to tell you how to live your life, but i did have one $100 pump commit suicide by falling into the bucket of water when i was filling the bucket. Since these pumps are self priming, you may just want to mount the pump on something other than the bucket, and just put the suck tube in the bucket after you fill it. Also you want to mount the pump on something floppy, if you mount it to something ridgid (some people mount them to the house pipe or studs...) it will rattle the whole house.
Hahahaha. That sounds traumatic. Lol. Would mounting it on the lid of the bucket be ok? Or, I'm assuming that would end up being noisy as well?
Also you want to mount the pump on something floppy, if you mount it to something ridgid (some people mount them to the house pipe or studs...) it will rattle the whole house.
I was thinking just that when I saw one mounted to the supply bucket (essentially a big hollow drum, i.e. sound chamber).
Any suggestions on the something "floppy"??
Just off the top of my head, a scrap of dense pile carpet (berber—yes; hook or shag—no) or dense carpet pad as a shock absorber comes to mind. I would not mount it to a bucket. Beyond that, IDK what others are doing.
I was thinking just that when I saw one mounted to the supply bucket (essentially a big hollow drum, i.e. sound chamber).

Just off the top of my head, a scrap of dense pile carpet (berber—yes; hook or shag—no) or dense carpet pad as a shock absorber comes to mind. I would not mount it to a bucket. Beyond that, IDK what others are doing.
You guys rock! I am loving all of the ideas. Such a HUGE help!
We all bring different life experiences, skills, knowledge, what-have-you—that we can apply to other disciplines, challenges, problems... ?
Well, I sure feel like there have been a lot of hiccups for Rosco and I in the last 4 weeks I've had him. I feel like the worst Mom ever. I took him to the vet because I thought respiratory infection but the doc said slightly dehydrated and pale mouth (most likely from being a bit dehydrated). His tounge was still sticky. I've upped the listings and he is back to his normal branch unlike him venturing to the bottom of his enclosure and then only going half way up. He just hasn't been as interested in food and is doing this mouth opening thing. I put about 8 medium crickets (dusted) and I only see 2 and one looked like it was impaled into the mesh I have running up his feeder run. I'm wondering (hoping) he is just getting ready to shed. This would be my first time after having gotten him.
Shed is easy to tell; they get "cloudy" or a whitish caste.
Opening his mouth may just be his self-regulating his temperature. All reptiles do it.

Just keep reading, watching vids, listening to podcasts, and asking questions.

I'm not crazy about crickets; maybe Rosco isn't either. My beardie loves dubia roaches & superworms, but he hates anything dusted. Rosco may not like the dusting either(?)

One of the most fascinating aspects of keeping & living with animals (for me) is learning from and about them. ? ;) ?
Shed is easy to tell; they get "cloudy" or a whitish caste.
Opening his mouth may just be his self-regulating his temperature. All reptiles do it.

Just keep reading, watching vids, listening to podcasts, and asking questions.

I'm not crazy about crickets; maybe Rosco isn't either. My beardie loves dubia roaches & superworms, but he hates anything dusted. Rosco may not like the dusting either(?)

One of the most fascinating aspects of keeping & living with animals (for me) is learning from and about them. ? ;) ?
I couldn't agree with you more (about the idea of living with animals comment). And he has chowed down on crickets before (dusted, gutloaded and all). He just doesn't seem as interested in eating lately. He still has some skin left over from his last shedding but from my understanding, it would have been a couple of months since he last shed. I don't believe he likes super worms. I put them in one day. He ate 1 and I put a couple more in the next day and he wouldn't touch them. I'm a bit freaked out by the dubias but maybe a little less so since I read that they dont fly but my only question (since you brought them up) is, do they climb? I would rather they be in the feeder run. ?


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I couldn't agree with you more (about the idea of living with animals comment). And he has chowed down on crickets before (dusted, gutloaded and all). He just doesn't seem as interested in eating lately. He still has some skin left over from his last shedding but from my understanding, it would have been a couple of months since he last shed. I don't believe he likes super worms. I put them in one day. He ate 1 and I put a couple more in the next day and he wouldn't touch them. I'm a bit freaked out by the dubias but maybe a little less so since I read that they dont fly but my only question (since you brought them up) is, do they climb? I would rather they be in the feeder run. ?
I don't recall Rosco's age, but when my beardie hit 9 months or so (different species—different timing) it was like a switch went off. One day he was chowing down 3 squares a day, then he suddenly—just like that—slowed down to one meal every other day or so. I thought something was wrong, so I had a fecal exam done (completely clear) and a quick chat with my herp vet, who said some (some) reptiles just change that fast once they've reached a certain point. After having shed almost continuously while he was growing, he hasn't shed in a couple months.

IDK if this could be what's going on with Rosco, but your comment about his not shedding in a while made me think of it.

Dubias can't climb slick surfaces like glass or storage tubs. Feeder run is fine. I use a hard plastic bowl to feed my beardie; they can't climb out on their own, but they can do that "World War Z" thing where they climb on top of each other until one makes the rim. ;)
I don't recall Rosco's age, but when my beardie hit 9 months or so (different species—different timing) it was like a switch went off. One day he was chowing down 3 squares a day, then he suddenly—just like that—slowed down to one meal every other day or so. I thought something was wrong, so I had a fecal exam done (completely clear) and a quick chat with my herp vet, who said some (some) reptiles just change that fast once they've reached a certain point. After having shed almost continuously while he was growing, he hasn't shed in a couple months.

IDK if this could be what's going on with Rosco, but your comment about his not shedding in a while made me think of it.

Dubias can't climb slick surfaces like glass or storage tubs. Feeder run is fine. I use a hard plastic bowl to feed my beardie; they can't climb out on their own, but they can do that "World War Z" thing where they climb on top of each other until one makes the rim. ;)
Oh yikes! Thanks for that tid bit of info with the dubias. Hahahahaha. From what I was told it sounds like Rosco is right on the cusp of being a juvenile and an adult. So, it sounds like it is possible that the "switch" has flipped. I guess he won't starve to death. I'm just keeping an eye on him. He seems to be feeling much better now that I am misting 6 times a day. lol. We have gotten in the pump and supplies and will be putting it together today. Hoping everything goes well.
Id just buy whats in the video, since he made it dead simple. The only "hard" part is picking the flow/pressure for the nozzles. One thing that people constantly over spend on is "bulk heads". They should be a buck or 2, but some people get away with charging $10-20-$30. If you have a local fish/hydroponics store, you may be able to get everything but the pump for under $40 easy. The pump is the only expense part, they are $20-120 depending on the model. But since you are using them for just misting and not boosting house lines with a high flow rate, just about any membrane pump will work if its gets to 40-60psi. Not to throw you off course, but some have even rigged up really cheap submersible fish pumps and found low pressure nozzles. The only down side is much bigger dropplets, so its more of a spray vs fine mist.

Once you get the hoses/fittings/nozzles FROM THE SAME SUPPLIER, its bone head easy. About the only pit fall is the knack to install the fittings. You cut the hose, shove it in the fitting, then complain on the interwebs that it leaks. Most people forget the final step, yank on the hose to set the seal so it doesnt leak.

On the video that is a very small pump, but its very inexpensive and fine for maybe 4 nozzles(i only use 1 nozzle per cage). I happen to fall into a big mamajamma on crags list from someone throwing out an "old" RO system that wasnt working any more. Its complete over kill and could fill a bath tub, its got 3/8" fittings, but luckily had reducers down to the normal 1/4".

As far as controlling it. Best bet is only of those 24/7 "utility" 3 prong timers, not the "lamp" timers. Those will cut all the power, the lamp timers do "funny" things when off. As for the "smart" switches, you either have to have a control hub, or the app constantly running on your phone.

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I just got the pump and most of the supplies delivered yesterday and am working on getting it put together today/tonight. I'm sitting here wonder if this is too much for one cage and 2 misting nozzles? I don't want anything to blow off and cause damage of my worst nightmare...hurt Rosco. This question most likely makes it obvious that I am not privy to this misting system and it's capabilities. Lol. I understand the making sure everything is secure and pulling on the hose to set the seal but it seems like a lot of power for 2 misting nozzles. This pump weighs a ton. Hahahaha.
Oh yikes! Thanks for that tid bit of info with the dubias.
I wound up getting one of these (4" dia.) at Chewy... forless than $3. There's also a larger size.

It's substantially heavy ceramic, and has a rim around the top that dubias cannot climb (or WWZ) out of.
A chameleon feeder run cup should also help with escapes.

I'm sitting here wonder if this is too much for one cage and 2 misting nozzles? I don't want anything to blow off and cause damage of my worst nightmare...hurt Rosco.
I've never heard of that happening. The high pressure is more to get the water where it needs to go and spray out the nozzle (instead of spritzing or dripping...) As long as the nozzles are attached securely, I think there's minimal risk.

Now that I've said that, I 'spect someone will pipe in with, "It happened to me," or "I know a guy..." :rolleyes:
I just got the pump and most of the supplies delivered yesterday and am working on getting it put together today/tonight. I'm sitting here wonder if this is too much for one cage and 2 misting nozzles? I don't want anything to blow off and cause damage of my worst nightmare...hurt Rosco. This question most likely makes it obvious that I am not privy to this misting system and it's capabilities. Lol. I understand the making sure everything is secure and pulling on the hose to set the seal but it seems like a lot of power for 2 misting nozzles. This pump weighs a ton. Hahahaha.

The size of the pump dictates how much water can flow through it, not how much pressure it makes. Ive ran that pump with just one nozzle no problem. Plus the pump kinda "sees" a lot less pressure than its designed for. The pump is designed to boost 10-20 psi back to 45-55 psi. Since its sucking water out of the bucket, its seeing negative psi instead of 10-20psi.
I wound up getting one of these (4" dia.) at Chewy... forless than $3. There's also a larger size.
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It's substantially heavy ceramic, and has a rim around the top that dubias cannot climb (or WWZ) out of.
A chameleon feeder run cup should also help with escapes.

I've never heard of that happening. The high pressure is more to get the water where it needs to go and spray out the nozzle (instead of spritzing or dripping...) As long as the nozzles are attached securely, I think there's minimal risk.

Now that I've said that, I 'spect someone will pipe in with, "It happened to me," or "I know a guy..." :rolleyes:
Lol. Well, I hope that's not the case.
The size of the pump dictates how much water can flow through it, not how much pressure it makes. Ive ran that pump with just one nozzle no problem.
Oh fantastic! That brought me some ease to hear. Thanks for replying. ? After tonight, his enclosure should be in tip top shape. I'll sleep better now. Lol. I do have a question and maybe I should start a new thread but how do I clean an umbrella plant to put in his enclosure?
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