DIY Misting Systems

look on the classifieds, or save enough for just a mistking basic set up.

either way, look at it as a needed and guaranteed investment. since you have a montaine species, the humidity levels need to be up. DYI Systems are rewarding in the end process, but as you've already read, usually end up in a fail or a short period of time being able to use it.

so i'm in favor with save the money, save the frustration and just buy a mistking or aquazamp. use a garden pump sprayer for the mean time if you need to, (cheap, dont have to do continuous sprays, wont startle the cham as much, and does great fine mist coverage.)

JMO, DYI rain systems arent really good for large chameleon cages
10ft of tubing--$2
bucket w cover-$2
1/4in tubing ---1.00
Yes that is so expensive i totally understand that it equals $120...

52.50! At homedepot

$30.00 for a diaphragm pump?
I've made a DIY. Mostly from materials on hand, but est. Cost at $50-75. It came out really clean, but its just a "rain" system in the end. There's no way to get a "mist" for that cheap. So if that's what somone wants, then a DIY is cost effective. Otherwise, the Mistking is a good deal for just 25bucks or so more...
the reason diy fail, or dont work properly (they rain not mist, humidity is better created by fine mist than just standing water or huge droplets..)they clog easier, are harder to clean, and usually require alot of planning and initial set up, if you arent very mechanically inclined its easier to buy new, rather than fabricate the reason i went mist king, and why its worth it is, you have support from the owner marty,he spent ALOT of time, and testing to make a unit that is VERY reliable(it can run dry for hours, lets see your cheap diy pump do that) also if you do need "rain droplets" you can cut a hole on the bottom of a cup,stick a nozzle in it and you have a mist king rain the cash.its like 130 all together with shipping..ive even seen places that have free shipping get the 99.99 budget kit
I have built my own misting system with a weed sprayer, sprinkler timer, and sprinkler valve. Works great. Just make sure to buy a quality valve. Cheap valves tend to leak.
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