DIY rain attachment

I have some 1/4" soaker hose that I am going to try today. I have to go buy a couple of small connectors, but I am optomistic that it will work. I will post pics and parts if all goes well.

Please let us know how this works out.

What you already have looks perfect to me, better then mine!! :eek:

How many cages/systems do you have running off your pump?
Is it a Mistking pump?
I am not real happy with the soaker hose setup. It is VERY dificult to find the proper adapters and what not to work with my pump and fittings that are already present. I think I will stick to my original working design and repeat that for my female.

Psychobunny, I am not using the MistKing pump. I am using a RO booster pump that I got from a local fish store. I also use it with my RO system when I need to refil my misting reservoir (a 44 gallon Brute trash can on wheels).

I am only running 2 cages off this pump, though I have had up to 4 at one point and there was no sign that it was struggling. Each cage had 2 misting nozzles on it.

Also, one more word of advice to anyone thinking about doing this. Make sure you attach it to the roof of your cage well. Try not to leave any big gaps or you may come home one day to an unhappy and very stuck Cham. I had to add more zip ties to mine because Remy decided to climb between the screen and tube and got himself stuck there. I just had to take a picture.


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Oh no! I'm relieved you found him is time and he didnt panic!!

Tell me more about this booster pump, I may need to get something to increse the water pressure because the water has a hard time making it's way to the inner rain ring, and little or no water comes out.
I currently have 4 cages on one pump, and if I turn 3 off (I have shutoff valves to each cage) the rain rings work much better, so it's a pressure issure for sure.

Can you link me to the RO booster pump you are using with such success and tell me how to hook it up please ? :eek: :confused:

I think just a little extra pressure is what I need, and I want to get it figured out before I get my other needle valve for Noogies cage.

I know this means I will go through a LOT of distilled water, good thing I work in a lab!! I just bring my gallon water jugs from home and fill them up in the lab :D
Oh no! I'm relieved you found him is time and he didnt panic!!

Tell me more about this booster pump, I may need to get something to increse the water pressure because the water has a hard time making it's way to the inner rain ring, and little or no water comes out.
I currently have 4 cages on one pump, and if I turn 3 off (I have shutoff valves to each cage) the rain rings work much better, so it's a pressure issure for sure.

Can you link me to the RO booster pump you are using with such success and tell me how to hook it up please ? :eek: :confused:

I think just a little extra pressure is what I need, and I want to get it figured out before I get my other needle valve for Noogies cage.

I know this means I will go through a LOT of distilled water, good thing I work in a lab!! I just bring my gallon water jugs from home and fill them up in the lab :D

I have sent you a PM with the info you wanted.
I really wanted to bump this so it doesnt get buried in old threads, but keep in mind, when making more then one rain ring, your water pump pressure will be reduced when both are running at the same time.
May need to keep them seperate.
The mistking pump is rated at 125psi, so it should run one rain ring with no problem, but if you have one pump hooked up to several nozzles, your rain ring may not drip as well, but it will still make rain :)
Hey OP, I just wanted to thank you for the idea and the implementation of your rain ring. I have outside cages and was running four drip tubes for an hour a day using mini sprinkler heads. Today, I put together some rain rings, and not only does it use less water, but my chameleons loved it! It was hot today, and I'd never seen them go for water like that! Thanks again :)
Thanks, I'm so glad this is working for you.

I installed a Rain Ring in Noogies cage last week, and I have seen a world of difference in his behavior.

I have used both rain dome and rain nozzles available on the market, and after 2 years, I finally now see him drinking from an automated system.
Where before, he was either not under the small patch of rain when it went off, or he would flee from the mist nozzle.

I am really surprised this hasn't caught on better then it has.
It's so easy and cheap to make. Maybe the needle valve is scarring people from building one.

My chams LOVE their Rain Rings, no more running and hiding from the mist nozzles. They enjoy standing under the rain and drinking:


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Just a thought but would there be any bad points in doing this in one side of the cage to be collected into a large bucket or similar with some sort of insect mesh covering it, then to be recirculated? If the water was to be changed every other day would there be much of a concern of bacteria build up?
I dont know, but to me, once water hits the floor of the cage, it's waste.
That's where the poop and dead cricks go! :eek:

I know what you mean, but I wouldnt trust it, with a live animal in there.
The water needs to be clean enough to drink. I wouldnt want any doubt in my mind.
I dont know, but to me, once water hits the floor of the cage, it's waste.
That's where the poop and dead cricks go! :eek:

I know what you mean, but I wouldnt trust it, with a live animal in there.
The water needs to be clean enough to drink. I wouldnt want any doubt in my mind.

It wouldn't hit the floor, just fall straight into it. I suppose if there's any doubt I could just give it a try using the same method except without it being recirculated.

Love your idea btw looks great :D
I can tell you that my waste water gets quite brown. It only takes me a few days to fill the can I have under the cage, and I would DEFINITELY NOT use the water for anything other than dumping in the toilet or down the drain.

If your cham is anything like any other I have had, they don't poop only on the floor of the cage. The water does not go directly from the dripper into the bucket. instead it drips on the leaves, branches, and any shed skin, poop, bugs, etc. that are present in the cage. I promise you that the water picks up bacteria and the such from all of this. I can take a picture of the nasty waste water tonight if you like.

I would play it safe and either dump the waste water or, if you don't want to waste it, water your lawn and trees with it.
She honestly only does it at the back end of the cage but I won't risk it then :D

Not long back from my local b & q but I couldn't find any of the needle valves. Will try source one in one of my suppliers for work or online :D
Well, I set up a 3rd rain ring the other day and noticed that operating 3 is too much for my standard mistking pump to handle.
Water only drips from a few of the holes, flow is not high enough.
Too much of a drain on the pump!

So, I ordered the pro model from mistking which has more power and higher flow (same 125psi).
I hope I can run all 3 rain rings with this pump, but if need be, I could use 2 pumps, each with their own timer.

I could run 2 rain rings off the pro, high flow pump, and have my standard pump run the 3rd.

Bottom line, the standard mistking pump can only run 2 rain rings.
For a 3rd, you will need either a booster pump, or (hopefully) a high flow pump.

Should have the pump all hooked up Friday afternoon, so I will let you guyz know how it works (keeping fingers crossed!!).

I still believe this system works best for getting all my chams to drink.

It doesnt just rain on one small patch, like what you get from the rain dome (aquazamp) and the rain nozzle attachment from mistking, it rains over the whole cage. It even looks like real rain.

When the rain ring is on, none of my chams run for cover, as they do with the standard mist nozzle. They simply stand under the rain, quite content, and after several seconds of the rain drops falling on them, I see their mouths working, drinking the water.

This (as you can imagine) uses a lot of water. I have 3 cycles a day, 2 6 minutes, and one for 5 minutes. This gives them plenty of time to drink, but the water tank needs to be filled daily.

Also, white 1/4'' tubing absorbs less heat, and I had a problem with having a portion of the rain ring directly under the basking lamp. The tubing melted a bit, just enough to put a kink in it.
So I raised the basking fixture 1'' and that solved the problem.

If you try this out, and its very simple, please post your comments and maybe a pic or two :)
Pictures would be great, I made a simple DIY raindome as well and my cham definitely likes it more than the normal mist king nozzle spray. But I came across the same issue you did, it doesn't cover a large enough area. So pics please!

I did the same thing only i increased the length of the tubing between the top of the cage and the mistking nozzle, that creates a wider dispersal area from the nozzle to the cage. That way most of the water drips down directly into my umbrella plant pot and doesnt pool onto the PVC bottom of the cage.
I know this is an older post, but was just directed here in my post, so hopefully somebody is still around to answer. Do the rain rings keep the humidity up themselves or are you misting your tanks, too. I think I saw one of the setups on here with a nozzle in the background.

Also, does anybody have a rain ring on the same line with a couple of nozzles. I'm wondering if the rain ring would lower the pressure too much to work the nozzles.
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