Do chameleons eat fish?


Avid Member
So I had my chameleon near my betta fish tank, and the betta got really close up to the glass and my Cham tried to eat him?! Because of the glass she didn’t hit the betta but if the betta was just flip floppin’ around on my desk my Cham would have nailed him. Anyone else had any experiences with fish eating chameleons?
So I had my chameleon near my betta fish tank, and the betta got really close up to the glass and my Cham tried to eat him?! Because of the glass she didn’t hit the betta but if the betta was just flip floppin’ around on my desk my Cham would have nailed him. Anyone else had any experiences with fish eating chameleons?
Chameleons try do eat everything in the wild but it’s not healthy for them. They eat mice fish bugs, even birds in the wild.. It’s normall but not good.
I doubt they eat fish in the wild, their tongue would probably get slowed down from the water. Thing is, if it's alive and can fit in their mouth, they'll try to eat it. My Parsons chased a small bird around in our house(he lives on a free range) trying to eat it. Luckily, I got it out the window before I witnessed that mess.
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