Do Chameleons fart??

Lol sorry I have no answer for you but I've wondered the samething before... good to know I'm not the only one with this question!
I'm a lady so don't do such things, and most of my animals are also ladies, but our male animals have good enough manners not to pass gas in our company.
You'll really hear a melleri toot! That's a pretty big gut.

Yeah you can! First day I had my girl(not positive she is actually a she) i was in the room feeding the others, i heard it and couldnt believe it when i turned around she was in the process of relieving herself farting away!
I'm a lady so don't do such things, and most of my animals are also ladies, but our male animals have good enough manners not to pass gas in our company.

Ladies don't do such things. We have class.

Now for the next question... do Chameleons have a "fart face"? Lol. How can you tell she was farting away?
I don't know. Jay and Silent Bob said fast food gives girls farts, and those are two pretty credible sources. Although, my girlfriend would disagree to the bitter end
I don't know. Jay and Silent Bob said fast food gives girls farts, and those are two pretty credible sources. Although, my girlfriend would disagree to the bitter end

I'd trust em with my life as a matter of fact.

And the first time my girlfriend farted in front of me it was actually ON me and she was 3/4 of the way asleep and blasted awake and blamed me lol.
I'm a lady so don't do such things, and most of my animals are also ladies, but our male animals have good enough manners not to pass gas in our company.

That's why there's a big difference between a lady and a tomboy, I openly have farting and belching contests with my guy friends.
Oh that's the worst reptilover! Then they turn around and give you that innocent smile as if you both don't know what happened. She's learned however that once she starts a battle I'll always win the war hahahahaha
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