Veiled Cham - 7 month old Midget with URI?
Cage - Black full-screen cage, probably 2h x 2w x 1d
Lighting - heat lamp, just upgraded to a 100w from a 75w. I was keeping the UV light on for at least 12 hrs/day. The heat lamp varied, but averaged at less than 10 hours/day. I recently upped the wattage per recommendation and am keeping heating on for at least 12 hours.
Temperature - I'm not sure of the temp range, but his closest branch to the heat lamp is 8-10 inches away, but he can also get as close as desired by climbing the screen. Temp at night in the house is about 70, but his cage is against an outside wall. I'm sure it was colder at night, but the new shift I am leaving his lights on during actually go thru the night hours.
Humidity - I just mist inside the cage several times a day. I try not to keep it too wet, and the lights dry thing up decently.
Plants - Just started using a live plant. Sheffera, it came from a reptile store with other veiled's using it (i cleaned it first)
Location - Against an outside wall of the house, not too much traffic but and and other person
Chameleon Info:
Veiled Chameleon, Male, 6-7 months old
Diet is mainly crickets are that kept in a small tank with a sponge and cricket food (some brand name, it looks like slices of orange blocks) I feed about 4 crickets/day, covered in calcium/vitamin powder. I would give more, but he hardly finished the few I provide. I usually put them in a small dish, some escape and roam the cage.
Hydration at first only came from misting 3 times/day, then showering once a month. I still mist several times a day, but have him misting on a plant in the shower at least once every other week now. (I do have hard water in the area I live.. I only filter the water in his spray bottle, water in the shower is the harder water) I do see him drinking in the shower, but hardly see him drinking from cage misting.
Fecal Description - I just cleaned up a few days ago.. but if I recall his waste has been brown, yellow, and lighter colors at different times
I got the cham from a reasonably known reptile shop. It was probably a month old (maybe less?) when I purchased it.
Current Problem - I'm concerned because I have seen other chameleons his age, and they are 2-3 times his size. In general, he doesn't look unhealthy, he can climb just fine, he does his funny dance rocking sometimes when he is walking. But within the past 2 weeks I have seem hear an increased wheezing and popping sound when he breathes. He does occasionally open his mouth and seem to be gasping. He does seem to get the stationary moods sometimes and will sleep in one spot for like 12 hours. Sometimes when he wakes up his eyes are so crusted and he needs to rub on them for a while to open.
He has lived for at least 6 mo, so if he wasnt going to make it because of diet reasons he shouldn't have made it this far right? From what I read about the wheezing he probably has a URI. I really dont know if I will be able to take him to a vet anytime soon, any suggestions? I'm pretty bummed because I've had this guy for over half a year, I'd be upset if something happened to him.
Please help, thanks in advance!!
Cage - Black full-screen cage, probably 2h x 2w x 1d
Lighting - heat lamp, just upgraded to a 100w from a 75w. I was keeping the UV light on for at least 12 hrs/day. The heat lamp varied, but averaged at less than 10 hours/day. I recently upped the wattage per recommendation and am keeping heating on for at least 12 hours.
Temperature - I'm not sure of the temp range, but his closest branch to the heat lamp is 8-10 inches away, but he can also get as close as desired by climbing the screen. Temp at night in the house is about 70, but his cage is against an outside wall. I'm sure it was colder at night, but the new shift I am leaving his lights on during actually go thru the night hours.
Humidity - I just mist inside the cage several times a day. I try not to keep it too wet, and the lights dry thing up decently.
Plants - Just started using a live plant. Sheffera, it came from a reptile store with other veiled's using it (i cleaned it first)
Location - Against an outside wall of the house, not too much traffic but and and other person
Chameleon Info:
Veiled Chameleon, Male, 6-7 months old
Diet is mainly crickets are that kept in a small tank with a sponge and cricket food (some brand name, it looks like slices of orange blocks) I feed about 4 crickets/day, covered in calcium/vitamin powder. I would give more, but he hardly finished the few I provide. I usually put them in a small dish, some escape and roam the cage.
Hydration at first only came from misting 3 times/day, then showering once a month. I still mist several times a day, but have him misting on a plant in the shower at least once every other week now. (I do have hard water in the area I live.. I only filter the water in his spray bottle, water in the shower is the harder water) I do see him drinking in the shower, but hardly see him drinking from cage misting.
Fecal Description - I just cleaned up a few days ago.. but if I recall his waste has been brown, yellow, and lighter colors at different times
I got the cham from a reasonably known reptile shop. It was probably a month old (maybe less?) when I purchased it.
Current Problem - I'm concerned because I have seen other chameleons his age, and they are 2-3 times his size. In general, he doesn't look unhealthy, he can climb just fine, he does his funny dance rocking sometimes when he is walking. But within the past 2 weeks I have seem hear an increased wheezing and popping sound when he breathes. He does occasionally open his mouth and seem to be gasping. He does seem to get the stationary moods sometimes and will sleep in one spot for like 12 hours. Sometimes when he wakes up his eyes are so crusted and he needs to rub on them for a while to open.
He has lived for at least 6 mo, so if he wasnt going to make it because of diet reasons he shouldn't have made it this far right? From what I read about the wheezing he probably has a URI. I really dont know if I will be able to take him to a vet anytime soon, any suggestions? I'm pretty bummed because I've had this guy for over half a year, I'd be upset if something happened to him.
Please help, thanks in advance!!
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