Do mistkings spray through screens?


New Member
I currently have a free range set-up, but I was thinking of going to a open cage corner type set-up. I'm also going to purchase a mistking soon too. My question is if mistkings spray through the screen in cages, or does it stick to it?

Based on my floors while using my mistking, if you don't point them away, yes they will water the floor right through the cage.
Thanks, but that doesnt help much at all. How do you do it very carefully? What is your set-up like?

Well, if you have a Mistking, the timer that comes with it is a very good one, programmable to just a couple of seconds per cycle if you wish for it to. It is able to run 8 different times in a 24 hour period. If I remember correctly, I think that a Mistking will push out 8 gallons per hour. So if you set your timer to only run for about 3 minutes per cycle, you'll use alot less water. My Mistking is very efficient and I only keep a 5-gallon resavoir about 2/3 of the way full, and I only have to add water every other day based on the amount of time of each cycle/times per day it runs. I have a homemade system and it goes through a lot more than the Mistking. Here is a link to my homemade water/drainage system that I have on 5 of my cages. P.S.- Sorry about the sarcasm in the other post- was just kiddin' around:D
Well that is quite the setup there jdog.....nice!

I am using the lil dripper right now in Ozzies habitat and I put his potted plant in a deep pan in his cage with thick paper towels to absorb most of the water where the lil dripper trickles down the plant in Ozzies cage and you can buy substrate pans to catch the water if you have a screen cage which when I buy Ozzies screen cage this is exactly what I plan to do and I plan to invest in a Mistking system also.
The best way to set this up is to cover 3 sides with plastic (Right, Left, and Back). leave the door and top as screen. You will also need a water collecting system at the bottom (I use plastic trays). Then place the mister nozzle in one of the front corners and aim it towards the middle of the back.

This won't eliminate water coming out completely (some will come out the front) ,but will cut it down to almost nothing.
I am pondering this spray system. I am such a neat freak that I would not be able to handle water spraying all over my floors through a wire cage. Putting plastic around it would look tacky IMO.......Well too tacky for me anyways LOL! Is there another way to prevent water from getting on the floor?

I know I am going to get a DIY or LLLReptile cage and a mistking if the water problem can be resolved. I like that LLLReptile has both the substrate tray and the cage water tray and DIY only has the substrate tray.
I just aim my nozzles really carefully and hardly any spray gets through.

Same, just aim the nozzles carefully so that the spray stays within the enclosure (making it aim downwards a bit helps). Then, the other thing to do, is aim 2 nozzles towards each other. They meet in the middle and cancel each other out somewhat so that the mist doesn't just blast out the side! :D
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