Do mosquitos pose a threat to my Cham?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm struggling to find any trustworthy info on what, if any, kind of threat mosquitos pose to my 1yr male veiled.

I live in southeast Louisiana and I want to try keeping my male outside 24/7 during the summer. I'm pretty sure we are the mosquito capital of the world during the summer, can mosquitos injure or make my Cham sick?

What kind of defenses do chams have against mosquitos?
I would think that if they could get in the cage, he would make a tasty snack for Louisiana mosquito's! I would have the same concerns. I can't speak to any issues on whether they could make your cham sick (you're thinking they might pass on a disease, right?), but at the very least, it's not pleasant to be poked by them. I would cover the cage with mosquito netting if I were you.
Mosquitos are know to spread dieseases. If it bites your neighbors chameleon for example and that chameleon has a parasite in its blood it will pass that on to the next chameleon or thing it bites.
Parasites/Diease was my main concern, I was just hoping maybe their skin was too tough for a mesqueto to penetrate. I'll order a net...
Parasites/Diease was my main concern, I was just hoping maybe their skin was too tough for a mesqueto to penetrate. I'll order a net...

I would not be concerned about a mosquito passing a disease or parasite. It just wouldn't be something I would worry about. Mosquitoes are attracted to warmth and a chameleon is cold blooded. Plus their skin is incredibly tough. I've bent syringes trying to inject them with antibiotics with brand new syringes. I was really amazed. I'm sure a mosquito would be capable of going between the scales, but I just wouldn't worry about it.
Mosquitoes can and do bite chameleons however I would not worry about it I keep all my chameleons outside in the summer and we have our fair share of mosquitoes too - I have never had any issues with any of my chameleons regarding mosquitoes and as a matter of fact I raise mosquitoes to feed to the baby chameleons they love them! :D
After some thought, I'm not going to be leaving him outside over night. We have a lot of other biting insects besides skeeters and we also have a truck that drives around spraying an anti-skeeter mist once a week. It's not worth it, I'll bring him in at night.
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