Do they get attached?


New Member
Hi I was wondering does anybody know if chameleons get attached to one person? Ive heard people say snakes get attached to people, do chameleons? :)
In my experience, they may favor one over the other, for instance the one that feeds them most often, but I don't think they prefer one person over another in any type of emotional way, they may just feel more comfortable with the people they see most often. And especially the people that mean food.
not social

I suppose since they are not social creatures then they probably just tolerate people, but I would have thought if u reared a chameleon from baby they would defiantly have some type of attachment to you?
I don't know what happens in there natural habitat in the wild though, do the adults rear there young to a certain age or are they independent straight away?
I cant find research on this?
No, chameleons don't have anything to do with their young, and are way more likely to eat them than nurture them.

The chameleons that lay eggs walk away and never see their young again. Maybe 6-10 months later the babies hatch out and they're on their own in the world. Species that give live birth better hope to walk away from their moms quickly, otherwise she may get hungry and snack on one or two of them.

Chameleons really aren't built for any sort of social or emotional bond to anyone. That said, some get along with people way better than others. But I wouldn't say mine love me specifically, I just happen to be the blonde that brings them food every morning!
No, chameleons don't have anything to do with their young, and are way more likely to eat them than nurture them.

The chameleons that lay eggs walk away and never see their young again. Maybe 6-10 months later the babies hatch out and they're on their own in the world. Species that give live birth better hope to walk away from their moms quickly, otherwise she may get hungry and snack on one or two of them.

Chameleons really aren't built for any sort of social or emotional bond to anyone. That said, some get along with people way better than others. But I wouldn't say mine love me specifically, I just happen to be the blonde that brings them food every morning!

I am a animal behaviour student so I am fascinated, by the behavioural aspects in keeping animals, it was a lesson on handling reptiles that first introduced me to the chameleon, the amazing little creature on my hand had me transfixed and I have been fascinated ever since I want to learn more about these beautiful creatures and something about them has such character, the way there eyes observe you I cant help but feel there is more to there social nature than it seems, I know most people say there not social and just put up with being handled but every time ive held a chameleon they seem content and just as intrigued by me. Im sure its just my naivety and i probs sound crazy but for my behavioural project at uni im going to study there behaviour in more depth because there so fascinating. I have become besotted its strange.
They're definitely fascinating, and they are definitely more intelligent than previously thought, but their brains are still relatively "simple." If you ever open one up, their testicles are larger than their brains! And most of their brain seems wired to process images from those massive eye balls of theirs.

So they may be looking you right back in the eye, but I don't they're not solving the great physics questions of our time. That doesn't make them any less awesome and sweet pets, though. I certainly love mine, I just don't bet money that they love me back lol
Well i can tell you from my experience with my cham he will climb right on me but if my sister goes to try it he wont go to her at all. so im going to say it depends on the chams personality
No, chameleons don't have anything to do with their young, and are way more likely to eat them than nurture them.

The chameleons that lay eggs walk away and never see their young again. Maybe 6-10 months later the babies hatch out and they're on their own in the world. Species that give live birth better hope to walk away from their moms quickly, otherwise she may get hungry and snack on one or two of them.

Chameleons really aren't built for any sort of social or emotional bond to anyone. That said, some get along with people way better than others. But I wouldn't say mine love me specifically, I just happen to be the blonde that brings them food every morning!

Change your hair color and see what happens…:D

They're definitely fascinating, and they are definitely more intelligent than previously thought, but their brains are still relatively "simple." If you ever open one up, their testicles are larger than their brains! And most of their brain seems wired to process images from those massive eye balls of theirs.

So they may be looking you right back in the eye, but I don't they're not solving the great physics questions of our time. That doesn't make them any less awesome and sweet pets, though. I certainly love mine, I just don't bet money that they love me back lol

Testicles larger than brains-who you talking' about??:eek:

My father sent me an article from the New York times recently on reptile intelligence and from the article - it seems that they are a lot smarter than previously thought - they are quite good at learning mazes by landmarks- and can be taught - from what I read it seems like their brains want food & sex and are very good at finding either -and can be taught as long as the reward is one or the other-
I don't know if you can call it affection or just familiarity but my panther definitely favors me over others. I can open the cage door and he runs to jump on me. When my son takes care of him he says Zeke stays at the back of the cage. As a proud mama I say he loves me...:D
I dunno but my male veiled sees me as the giant monster who gives him food. He likes to see me but hides till i leave :)
I don't know if you can call it affection or just familiarity but my panther definitely favors me over others. I can open the cage door and he runs to jump on me. When my son takes care of him he says Zeke stays at the back of the cage. As a proud mama I say he loves me...:D
I cant wait to get my first chameleon and if im lucky enough to get one who seems to like me I will probs think he loved me too :)
Hi I was wondering does anybody know if chameleons get attached to one person? Ive heard people say snakes get attached to people, do chameleons? :)

I wouldn't use the word "attached" - they don't form emotional bonds like mammals do. But certainly they can become accustomed to the keeper that looks after them and feeds them. Whereas "strangers" are still seen as potential predators/threats. But even as someone my chameleons all "know" and "trust" if I wear a bright red shirt or paint my nails a bright colour or wear a hat, I am suddenly back to being "new" and they react like I am potentially dangerous.
of course they do. mine freagin loves my wife. at least that's what i keep telling her. and i'm not changing my story. ;););) momma has already given me the approval for a second one. see it worked. Luke loves momma. ;)
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