Do you dream in Chameleon?

I often have dreams that either my chameleon or my fish have grown to very abnormal's impressive to see a panther chameleon the size of a house cat...even if only in a dream;)

Maybe the Cheshire Cat was really a Panther in disguise?
HAHA lol why not? mlleris are unresistable.
Then I got a nightmare, the things is that my friend and I was jokeing with each other all the day, about our pets and then I dream that I open the door of the reptile rum and and and the I saw him humping one of my chams :eek:
so so horrible!!!!

HaHahaHaHa.... That is just so wrong on so many levels. :eek: :D:D:D
Fortelling the future?

These days I have dreams about 3D. But that's just because I'm in crunch time as a Senior in college and that's ALL I do during the day... O_O

I actually have had a surprisingly few set of dreams about chameleons... When I had my beardie I was constantly having dreams of him getting hurt, dying, or being some aquatic animal, which eventually led up to him finally passing away and inevitably having a water burial. I was REALLY creeped out that my dreams were trying to tell me something...

The only dreams I've had about my veiled Ridley is that he was HUGE, and blue? :confused: I took this as a good sign that, this time around, I can see him grow to adulthood. :D

Any other dreams I've had have been anxiety dreams about crickets being unmanagable, or escaping... lol

Has anyone else had feeder dreams??
I had a really complex chameleon dream that everyday I would let my cham outside and bring him inside in the evening, and I somehow opened up a different universe type thing and accidentally created his evil twin cham. And I couldn't tell which was which! So I was bringing them outside and the good cham started to shrivel up from being too near to his evil twin, and then the evil twin ate him. I was quite disturbed.

i had a dream....
the pet store was full of chams so i tied up the employees and changed all the compact bulbs to tubes, then i woke up

strange dream.........
Wow, neat dreams everyone:D I'll let you in on a secret, I've only had one dream with a chameleon in it, but it was that dream that got me into having chameleons. So I was at a weird school hanging with some friends, and then a friend of a friend came over and he had this beautiful female chameleon and he held his hand out and she walked right up my arm to my shoulder, and now that I think about it, her face looks suspiciously like my Arda (Who I had been taking care of for weeks, and who I bought shortly after). :D Although I have had dreams where I've seen the future, or a potential one, or have gotten messages.

THe chameleons would be your spirit animal, and they come to you in dreams to help you understand yourself, and the world around you:)
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