Do you like cats?


Established Member pets of course. I don't like them, they seem lazy and pointless pets -unless you have rodents - and the only time they want to interact with you is when they are hungry or want to go about you?
I love cats! I have two very spoiled lovable cats!! its a personal choice thing cuz I cant stand dogs they annoy the crap out me :)
I dont much like those pathetic little domestic wildlife killers that are called 'cats', no.
These arn't cats, they're lizard killing, garden shitting, dog annoying, hair shedding, furniture shredding pest that should never have been domesticated.

These are Cats!

Domestic fleabags are miserable wannabe's! That dont make good pet material in general, let alone in countries (like mine) where they were never supposed to be!
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I'm sort of with Jo...

I love big cats in their natural environment. ("Love you over THERE!")

I suspect every "domestic" cat of just wishing it were bigger so it could eat me.

Plus, I'm horribly allergic and, of course, they view that as a reason to sit on my lap and rub against me.
I hate cats. They love me and I am so allergic to them, I suffer several hours after being near one- they love to climb on me. Their owners always act like I am awful when I keep scooting them away from me. UGH
How do they sense that?

I've sat in a room with 2 cats and 5 other people who weren't allergic to cats and both cats assaulted me.
I hate cats. They love me and I am so allergic to them, I suffer several hours after being near one- they love to climb on me. Their owners always act like I am awful when I keep scooting them away from me. UGH

I cant stand when people think its cute for their annoying dogs to jump on me or rub on me or the worst beg!! for that reason when anyone comes over I chase the cats away from them if they call the cats to them they are from then on, on their own but my bigger cat thinks its a dog and when you knock on the door or come in he has to run and greet you and meow so i keep him from doing that to the ones I know dont like cats! :)
Cats=Evil. Have you people watched Cat's and Dogs. The kids movie. I think that's what it's called.
Good job with your cats, I am the same way with my 2 dogs you are with your cats. What is wrong with the rest of the people???

I cant stand when people think its cute for their annoying dogs to jump on me or rub on me or the worst beg!! for that reason when anyone comes over I chase the cats away from them if they call the cats to them they are from then on, on their own but my bigger cat thinks its a dog and when you knock on the door or come in he has to run and greet you and meow so i keep him from doing that to the ones I know dont like cats! :)
I reaally think like any animal if just depends on the certain animal. I have a cat that acts just like a well behaved dog. We go on walks all the time. He sits and fetches... and he's a sphynx so he doesn't shed :) I think if you get the right cat they can be awesome animals.
I am anti-cat! Like Laurie-I am very allergic to them, and the thought of feet that have been in a litter box stomping on my kitchen counters makes me want to gag.
Our two dogs are part of the family, though they are well trained and well behaved, everyone who visits us knows they are here, it's a case of love me, love my dogs, or bugger off! That said I dont allow them to mob guests or jump up or anything.
I realise my comments on cats will seem harsh to cat lovers, but let it not be thought I 'hate' them, It's not their fault they are bred en-mass into an oversaturated market by idiots with no respect for living things.
I dont condone cruelty to anything, and fools who shout about killing them piss me off as much as those who brag about killing lizards and snakes or pot shooting turtles.
I do appreciate them for what they are, they simply dont appeal to me for many reasons and I think they merely reflect human vanity (yes domestic dogs aswell).
The reason, imo, they do do not make suitable pets is purely due their hunting nature.
I beleive its cruelty to lock them up, even in outdoor cages, they are meant to roam, unfortunately they are not meant to roam here, nor almost anywhere else either.
Allowing them to do so in domestic environments, is equally cruel (think roadkill) not to mention highly irresponsible.
Since they dont belong and are not a creature happy in confinement by nature, they are not good domestic pet material.
Im sure they do give millions much pleasure, but they also cause millions of others untold hell and destroy wildlife wherever they go, despite captive feeding.
Having destroyed up to 20 a day for 4 years because they were unwanted, my feelings on the matter are quite strong, and for this I make no apology.
Consider the feelings of a passionate animal lover who because I beleived it was making a difference, was forced to restrain with a mesh crush cage, these cats everyday and administer a fatal shot of barbiturate directly to the heart, then have to incinerate them (not to mention up to 25 dogs of all kinds everyday aswell), all because you (general public) beleive its your god given right to breed anything indescriminately.
Ofcourse after 4 yrs I realised it was pointless adressing the result without legislation to adress the cause and this would never happen, so I quit.
When the R.S.P.C.A actually do something worthwhile, I may consider supporting them, until then my door and my wallet is closed.
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I have cats. I love them, but I started very young with a water mister when they got in trouble. But both of my cats are persian and very big and picky. I don't have to worry about them rubbing on people because they don't like anyone but me. Not even my son or fiance can pick them up, just pet them. I got the cat genie, so now I don't have to worry about a litter box. And they have never got on my counter. Plus, I live on a farm so the have a pest control job.
Our two dogs are part of the family, though they are well trained and well behaved, everyone who visits us knows they are here, it's a case of love me, love my dogs, or bugger off! That said I dont allow them to mob guests or jump up or anything.
I realise my comments on cats will seem harsh to cat lovers, but let it not be thought I 'hate' them, It's not their fault they are bred en-mass into an oversaturated market by idiots with no respect for living things.
I dont condone cruelty to anything, and fools who shout about killing them piss me off as much as those who brag about killing lizards and snakes or pot shooting turtles.
I do appreciate them for what they are, they simply dont appeal to me for many reasons and I think they merely reflect human vanity (yes domestic dogs aswell).
The reason, imo, they do do not make suitable pets is purely due their hunting nature.
I beleive its cruelty to lock them up, even in outdoor cages, they are meant to roam, unfortunately they are not meant to roam here, nor almost anywhere else either.
Allowing them to do so in domestic environments, is equally cruel (think roadkill) not to mention highly irresponsible.
Since they dont belong and are not a creature happy in confinement by nature, they are not good domestic pet material.
Im sure they do give millions much pleasure, but they also cause millions of others untold hell and destroy wildlife wherever they go, despite captive feeding.
Having destroyed up to 20 a day for 4 years because they were unwanted, my feelings on the matter are quite strong, and for this I make no apology.
Consider the feelings of a passionate animal lover who because I beleived it was making a difference, was forced to restrain with a mesh crush cage, these cats everyday and administer a fatal shot of barbiturate directly to the heart, then have to incinerate them (not to mention up to 25 dogs of all kinds everyday aswell), all because you (general public) beleive its your god given right to breed anything indescriminately.
Ofcourse after 4 yrs I realised it was pointless adressing the result without legislation to adress the cause and this would never happen, so I quit.
When the R.S.P.C.A actually do something worthwhile, I may consider supporting them, until then my door and my wallet is closed.

That must have been the worst job. I give you credit. It sadly needs done. I am a dog and cat lover, but I am a big fan of spaying/ neutering your pet. I hate wild cats. Not each one of them, but I shows just how irresponsible people are. I live near a StateWildlife park, and we also have a problem packs of wild dogs. And I'm not just talking about the coyotes. (we have them too) Their have been people riding their horses, and surrounded by packs of dogs growling at them. I think it's worse than coyotes because coyotes are scared of people. These dogs are not. And it's because people think a State park is a good dumping ground.
I dont much like those pathetic little domestic wildlife killers that are called 'cats', no.
These arn't cats, they're lizard killing, garden shitting, dog annoying, hair shedding, furniture shredding pest that should never have been domesticated.

These are Cats!

Domestic fleabags are miserable wannabe's! That dont make good pet material in general, let alone in countries (like mine) where they were never supposed to be!

Well, I dont think I have any input after this post!!!!
Definately the worst job I have ever had, I didn't even know Id have to do till till they told me 'today you start euthing'.
Absolutely horrendous, both cats and dogs, but cats are maybe worse, since you cant get a good vein in a hurry on a cat, not in a production line type set like that, so the crush cage, is terrifying for them, not to mention the needle through the side into heart. The dogs sense things, they wimper and shit with fear, they smell and see the other dead dogs waiting for the furnace, they;re afraid of the buzz of the shaver, they KNOW!
Indescribable and incomprehensible to anyone who hasnt seen it, especially the millions who sit at home looking adoringly into the eyes of their much loved pets, those who give money to the SPCA thinking its doing good. Its not, its pointless, for every animal destroyed, 100 more are born.
Backyard breeders and pet lovers without a clue need to experience that themselves and maybe then understand what they support, and perhaps be more inclined to nueter pets and not breed 'just because'. :(

Cainschams, knock yourself out mate, dont be offput by my first post, please read my second. Post freely. :)
I am also really allergic to them which is fine because I've aaaalways been a dog person. I think the thing about them that I like the least is that they don't show facial expressions like dogs do - you can't tell by their face if they're happy or not (besides eyes closed or not), where as you can tell when your dog is smilling or giving you the pitty face or looks really confused. Cats always wear a poker face and it's not as appealing to me.

Besides, I can take my dog out to the dog park, or hicking, or swimming to the beach, or herding (I have a sheepdog), or to agility, or to a starbucks. I can't do any of that with a cat. I have chameleons if I want pets that sit at home, I have a dog to be a friend I can do things with.

Not to mention - and I really do owe my Mina for this one! - she actually was the reason I met my current boyfriend at a Starbucks, she kept trying to reach him to say hi and it sparked a conversation. How many of your cats have gotten you into relationships? ;)
I love cats! Of course I love ALL animals. We use to keep cats but they all got old and passed away. :(:(:( I will not get anymore because they just don't mix with chameleons.
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