Doc goes on an adventure


New Member
Soooo I've got my young veiled, Doc, set up in my home office. I usually leave his door open if I'm in the room and if I'm only going to be gone for a minute or 2. Until recently Doc has shown no interest in ever leaving his basking spot so I've been comfortable doing this. Well I won't be leaving the door open anymore because yesterday I left the room and either I lost track of time or Doc's got some serious speed hes been hiding from me because when I got back, no cham in the cage. I spent a few minutes inspecting his plants praying that I just didn't see him in the leaves but no luck. Looked around the room high and low and didn't see him anywhere. I figured there's just no way he could have gotten down to the ground and walked out of the room but just to be safe I threw my dog outside because I definitely didn't want him finding Doc first. Anyway after about 10 minutes of total panic I found him completely safe. I don't know how but somehow he must have stretched from the outside of his cage over to the window blinds which I thought would've been too big of a gap for him. In the future I'd like to set up my office as one big free roam room for him so he can do this as much as he wants without giving me a heart attack.


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Isn't it fun to look for one of them, when every bad thing you can think of is going through your head? I know I have a few hairs that are chameleon gray.:eek:
Ugh, they make me crazy looking for them. I can look literally everywhere and he is usually either right under my nose or in some new ridiculous place. LOL
It amazes me how far they can stretch. I watch Omar in his cage reaching from one branch to another and I think "I am going to need to put another branch there... Oh wait... never mind!"
Waldo makes a run for it to power cords behind the TV or the blinds or to bug Kayla. Luckily he hasn't made a run for the front door in awhile. But I've paced back and forth looking for Waldo so many times. And he fits his name perfectly.
Ugh, they make me crazy looking for them. I can look literally everywhere and he is usually either right under my nose or in some new ridiculous place. LOL

Speaking of right under m nose, I actually lifted those window blinds to see if he was on the window ledge. He must have been about an inch from my face when I did it and I didn't see him.
Glad you guys liked the photos. As soon as I realized he wasn't in any danger I thought it was hilarious. I keep showing friends the first photo and asking them to spot the chameleon and of course they only look in the cage thinking he is blended in with the leaves.
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