Does anyone here feed their Plants,


New Member
Hi there:), Just wondering does anyone here feed their Plants, if so what are the safe things which I could use,

I currently just water mine but wondered if they benefit from some feeding of some sort, thanks
I used those fertilizer spikes when I first set up my enclosure. When I repotted my plants I added one to each, new organic soil and the covered with rocks. It must be beniffiting the plants because they look healthy and I have to prune for overgrowth.
Hi there:), Just wondering does anyone here feed their Plants, if so what are the safe things which I could use,
I currently just water mine but wondered if they benefit from some feeding of some sort, thanks

Occassionally, maybe every other year, I add some liquid fish/bat ferts or top dress with worm castings (the soil is covered with rocks).
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