Help replacing plastic plants 😳

It won’t be as stressful as when you first brought her home. She is now familiar with her surroundings and you. If you can get her on a branch or even a plant (that you can move over easily), you can move her that way. Food is always a great motivator
would it be a good idea to do it sooner? or when she it a little bigger?
I just want to say hi and welcome! You have some of the best keepers giving you advice, so I won’t really add much at all. You don’t have to rush and move her as soon as your new enclosure comes in. I would suggest taking time when it comes to get it set up just right before moving her over. As you are setting it up post pictures here, ask as many questions as you need.

The only other thing I will add that I have not seen mentioned is eventually your girl will need a lay bin. This is not difficult and not expensive (just a bin, sand and soil). She is going to lay infertile eggs when she is a bit older. Worry about everything else first, I just want to give you a heads up because some people (including myself) don’t realize they lay eggs even if there isn’t a male around.

Jade is adorable and we are so happy to have you both! Don’t be shy about posting pictures of her!
I just want to say hi and welcome! You have some of the best keepers giving you advice, so I won’t really add much at all. You don’t have to rush and move her as soon as your new enclosure comes in. I would suggest taking time when it comes to get it set up just right before moving her over. As you are setting it up post pictures here, ask as many questions as you need.

The only other thing I will add that I have not seen mentioned is eventually your girl will need a lay bin. This is not difficult and not expensive (just a bin, sand and soil). She is going to lay infertile eggs when she is a bit older. Worry about everything else first, I just want to give you a heads up because some people (including myself) don’t realize they lay eggs even if there isn’t a male around.

Jade is adorable and we are so happy to have you both! Don’t be shy about posting pictures of her!
thank you for the welcome! Everyone here is so nice.
Yes, the other day someone mentioned that she might have eggs because I was concerned about her not eating her crickets and roaming around on the bottom of the enclosure. This was in another thread. So yesterday I did get her an egg bin ready and put it in..thinking oh my goodness this place is getting crowded..never realizing that she would indeed need a lager home! So I have that box checked off. 😆


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I have a 24x24x48 cage coming. I will have to get it set up, but is there anywhere I could turn that would walk me through moving her into the bigger enclosure, and when should I go about doing this? She is still pretty little, and I've only had her for a week and a half, but I'm so worried about stressing her out. Would it be like bringing her home and starting all over?
The transition will not be a traumatic event for her. You can do it as soon as you are ready. Some crazy people put hatchlings in adult size cages and they do great. Your girl will have no problem at all.
thank you for the welcome! Everyone here is so nice.
Yes, the other day someone mentioned that she might have eggs because I was concerned about her not eating her crickets and roaming around on the bottom of the enclosure. This was in another thread. So yesterday I did get her an egg bin ready and put it in..thinking oh my goodness this place is getting crowded..never realizing that she would indeed need a lager home! So I have that box checked off. 😆
Oh awesome! You’re honestly starting off better than lots of people we see come through here. I think you’ll be just fine.
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