I'm not worrying too much about my juvenile veiled chameleon because he seems to be acting all normal eating about 4-5 crickets a day. I see him shoot his tongue at water so I know he is hydrated. I bought him from Petsmart because they were treating him poorly and I got a discount. I have had this male veiled chameleon (smeegle) for 3 days. He moves very actively and he is always a bright green and turns brown when hungry (after I feed him, his brown returns to green). I see him climbing all around the cage (slowly). I try feeding him more than 4-5 crickets but he wont take more than he wants. He loves to be handled and crawls to my shoulder and stays there for 10-15 minutes before he starts reaching for his cage (that's how I know he wants to get back). Here are a few pics of Smeegle. Does he look healthy? I started supplementing him and hydrating him with 50 percent humidity so he seems to be doing fine. How do you think he looks? (He is scared of the camera so he may look at little stressed )