Chameleon Enthusiast
He will sleep but not rest properly if it's to light and/or to warm...
You can test if he's properly resting by shining a small light on his eyes for like 10seconds.
If he wakes up he's probably not resting properly.
Don't do this every night but every once in a while on a hot night should not hurt him.
I've never heard of the shining the light thing before....hmmm. Interesting. Out of curiosity, where did you learn that from?
Chams are Diurnal, which means they have a "third eye" type thing called a parietal eye. It is sensitive to the light and they set their internal clock and hormones according to their light schedules. A night light, even a red or blue one messes with them. So they may seem to sleep but it is disturbing them on a deeper level and can cause health issues.