Does my chameleon look healthy


New Member
I just got my new chameleon a month ago. He's about 4 - 4 1/2 months old. I just want to make sure he's healthy, I think he might be dehydrated. He eats hornworms super worms and crickets, all with gut load and supplements. Also how do I get him to like me/ get him to let me hold him. I don't want to force hold him but I want him to get used to me while he's still young. Since the time I've had him I've only held him twice. He usually runs away when I try to hold him. Thanks.

Also the last pic I told this morning, his back leg is ok right? I've heard about the double knees that chams get when they have mbd.
I don't see any MBD, but his eyes look a little sunk in he could be slightly dehydrated what does his feces look like.
His eyes do look pretty sunken in, I would definitely mist his cage at least 4 times a day and if not use the shower method. Is his urate an orange-ish color? If so then he needs water. And about him liking you/ running away-----It will take a while for him to warm up to you, the best way to take him out of his cage is to slowly put your hand in and let him crawl to you, if he doesn't then leave him be. You should only really handle him no more than 2 times a day, every time you hold him or reach for him it stresses him out.
I mist him 3-6 times a day and I have a dripper. His urate is white. Idk how I would use the shower method if I can't get him out of his cage.
Just leave him be for a few days and only go to his cage to feed him and mist him, he may be super stressed and needs to adapt to his new environment.
Digging the texture on that brown branch/vine thing. it's like it has reptile scales of its own. What exactly is that, if I may ask? Looks neat
You should only really handle him no more than 2 times a day, every time you hold him or reach for him it stresses him out.

IMO, handling your cham twice a day seems like way too much. You are correct that it stresses them out so personally I only handle my cham maybe 2-3 times per week.

I never reach my hand in his cage and try to grab him out. I did when he was a lot younger and I could see how scared he was of me and stressed he would get. After a lot of hand feeding and trust building, I still don't grab him out. I open his door to his cage and let him come out on his own. Sometimes he runs out to the top, sometimes it takes him a few minutes, and sometimes her chooses not to come out. I leave it up to him though. Once he's out of the cage though I can freely walk up and ease him onto my hand. He's never hissed, gaped, puffed up at me. I just don't think it's a good idea to go in and grab your cham out unless it's absolutely necessary. That's their safe place and I don't like invading like that. I would suggest hand feeding your little guy some extra tasty treats and try gaining his trust that way. And just remember to be patient.
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