Does my veiled Cham look Healthy?

I went to my local reptile store called Scales and Tails, I went to get stuff for a laybin and he said there was no need to get anything now. That I will know if she's carrying eggs and I should come back if she ever does because over half the time they never lay without a male and that it's so rare. So I left without anything:( The worker said he's had veiled chameleons his whole life and had plenty of females, he's only ever had one lay eggs. Ugh, I wish there wasn't so much missimformation.

I really need more help on this topic. I know I need a 12inch deep 12 inch wide tup with play sand and and put it in her enclosure. I know I cover her enclosure with a sheet when it's time. The whole process makes me really nervous, I don't want her to become eggbound, from what I read on here it sounds like it happens a lot...
The biggest causes of death for female veileds are egg binding and follicular stasis (failure of follicles to ovulate). It is not rare for veiled females to lay eggs without having been mated.

Some of the biggest causes of these issues are over feeding the female once she become close to adult hood and onward, improper supplementing/gutloading of the insects, failure to provide a proper lay bin that she has access to all the time, watching the chameleon while she's digging, improper UVB exposure, etc.

We try to eliminate as many of these things as possible so that the only reasons for egglaying difficulties are beyond our control...reproductive system deformities, deformed eggs, etc.
dont let it make you nervous, with proper care and attention a female veiled can thrive! Egg laying difficulties vary by the female and it just so happens that you got lucky and got her young so she has time before she'll lay. if i were you, i would just go to walmart or target and buy a bin thats 12x12x12 and go to your local hardware store to pick up play sand. i would also get a wifi baby monitor to see her while shes digging then you can watch without disturbance!
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