Does this guy look like hes going be a good one?


New Member
My first post. I'm looking into a male panther and was wanted to know if this guy looks like he is going to be a colorful male. Thanks for any advice. He is about 5 months old.


  • male1.jpg
    256.8 KB · Views: 247
That is some really nice color for his age and it will only get better.:)

Also so welcome to the forum. I hope you find this a informative, friendly, and fun place.
Thanks laurie for the welcome and the info. This guy will be my 3rd chameleon, you could say im hooked. I have already found great info and enjoy reading all the great posts My first cham is Juliet a female panter and then my second is Jack my male Vailed.


  • Boo Phone 102.jpg
    Boo Phone 102.jpg
    243.9 KB · Views: 194
Welcome to the forum. I'd say that with that much color showing at 5 months, with proper care and diet he should be great
Thank you all for the kind words about him. I cant wait to pick him up this weekend, I'm looking forward to giving this guy the best life I can with my 2 other chameleons Juliet and Jack. Oh and his name will be Romeo.:D
Well what a bummer looks like im not going to get him after all, just found out last night that my female Juliet is his sister :eek:...... So thats going to happen now. Well repticon in reno is next weekened so i hope I can find a good one there.:)
Oh no lol How did that happen? Well, that's a shame because he's great so far but you'll find another one, I'm sure.
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