does this sound ok ?


New Member
HI just a quick q, my chameleon will only eat 3 or 4 locusts or crickets a day tops, shes still drinking fine and very active, does this sound ok ?, also around an hour before her light goes off she goes and lies on her fav stick and just watches me then goes straight to sleep as soon as the light goes off, does this sound like normal behaviour ?
HI just a quick q, my chameleon will only eat 3 or 4 locusts or crickets a day tops, shes still drinking fine and very active, does this sound ok ?, also around an hour before her light goes off she goes and lies on her fav stick and just watches me then goes straight to sleep as soon as the light goes off, does this sound like normal behaviour ?

Is she an adult? If so, have you tried feeding her every other day? Is her weight stable? She may be just fine.

Many chams settle in their favorite sleeping spot as the day winds preparation for night. As the light fades, temp drops, they also slow down, so it makes sense to position themselves where they want to sleep (and wake up the next morning) before necessary.
Yes, depending on the size of the locusts. Does she get some more variety?, she might show some more enthusiasm for a nice big house spider? When I had my first female veiled the first time she saw a spider she went every colour in the world with red and black striped eye turrets and ran over, didn't even bother sticking her tongue out just wolfed it down! The sleeping thing is totally normal, she's just a creature of habit like anyone else.
Yes, depending on the size of the locusts. Does she get some more variety?, she might show some more enthusiasm for a nice big house spider? When I had my first female veiled the first time she saw a spider she went every colour in the world with red and black striped eye turrets and ran over, didn't even bother sticking her tongue out just wolfed it down! The sleeping thing is totally normal, she's just a creature of habit like anyone else.

..and yes they are very habitual chams all wind down then search out the "fave" spot and chill untill the lights go out..

has anyone ever been up late, and noticed the cham up, well just eyes open..when i have i offer them a midnite snack..they always take it..then go to bed after that regardless if im up or not(my desk light on or off) lol
shes not losing weight shes definitely got bigger, the only things the shops sell here are locusts, crickets brown and black, wax worms, and these massive worms that she runs away from, only problem is shes really slow at shooting her tongue and usally the food has run away, shes always been hand fed which is a shame, i was thinking of maybe using a cup of some sort to hold them but didn't know what size to use, heres a picture of her when she settles in so maybe you can judge by it, i would say without her tail shes around 7 inches,


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she looks good :). What is the black thing? basking lamp? Mister?
the picture is very deceiving due to me being on the floor, its just an ceramic heat lamp, its around a foot higher then her highest brach, it looks very close in the picture,
the picture is very deceiving due to me being on the floor, its just an ceramic heat lamp, its around a foot higher then her highest brach, it looks very close in the picture,
Do you have it on at night?
Do you have it on at night?

nope, theres 2 in the tank, the average temp in the tank sits at 68 - 72 f throughout the night, both are turned off at a night as i believed this was correct ? if im wrong please correct me though :) the black one is a exo terro 100 watt and i have one on the other side which she sits under which is 150 watt on a dimmer thermostat with an average temp of 81.7 f
Your chameleon looks fine from what I can see in the pic. But if your still concerned about its eating...try documenting the times u offer food.
If they are irregular, that might the problem.
Try offering food consistently at multiple times during the day.
cham looks healthy and going to "bed" an hour before lights are off is ok. can i ask why you have ceramic heat lamps? if you average night time temps are 68-72 then you daytimes should be close to that. do you have a basking light? if so, what kind do you have and what temps?
nope, theres 2 in the tank, the average temp in the tank sits at 68 - 72 f throughout the night, both are turned off at a night as i believed this was correct ? if im wrong please correct me though :) the black one is a exo terro 100 watt and i have one on the other side which she sits under which is 150 watt on a dimmer thermostat with an average temp of 81.7 f
Nothing wrong there, mate.
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