Does Wilson look ok to you?


New Member
Does Wilson look ok to you?

He had been doing very well recently but the past few days I noticed he started closing his eyes during the day. So the past few days I've been flushing his eyes with saline, and yesterday I put some terramicin on both eyes. Then this evening when I got home from work it looked to me like the area around his throat was swollen. Is this something I should be worried about?

I know there's a whole thing of info I need to fill out, I have it somewhere, I'll post it as soon as I find it.



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Well what you did sounds fine if you suspected there was debris in it. I don't know about the terrimicin though.

please fill out the how to ask for help form.
Flushing with saline is ok if you suspect debris or some shed in the eye. Terramycin is an over the counter antibiotic eye ointment. I keep it on hand just in case. I agree you need to fill out the help form. Closing eyes can be any number of things. A vet visit may be in order.
Hard to tell about the eyes. But that throat area is a concern i would watch closely. Does he eat & drink/swallow normaly? How much & how often are you supplmenting him? Do you gutload all your feeders? If so with what? It looks like edema to me. Jmo from past photos and exp.
You talked about giving your chameleon prEformed vitamin A...did you end up giving it some? If so, how much? Montane species are suseptible to edema from oversupplementing with prEformed vitamin A.

As for the eye...what is the UVB light that you are using on the cage?
Here's his info:

cage type- screen repterium, 16"x14"x36", approx
lighting- one reptisun 5.0 uva, linear 18", and a basking light, i thinks it's 100watt because it's the only one that gets his basking spot the right temp. They are on from 7am to 8:30ish. I don't own any compact bulbs!
Humidity- Generally it's between 50-65%. I have a mistking that runs for 20 mins three times a day, and for 10 min twice a day.
Plants- I have two pothos, one hanging and one on the floor, and um, something else I can't remember the name of, but I know it's ok for chams because I checked before I bought it.
Location- The cage is on top of a table, about four feet off the ground in his own private room.

My cham- Male jackson, getting close to one year old, but not totally sure since I don't know how old he was when I got him.
Handling- I generally don't if I can avoid it.
Feeding- He used to be a bad feeder, but for the past month or two he's been doing really well. It's only been in the past four days or so he's lost his appitite. It looks as thought that's corresponded with the eyes starting to close. He normally will eat a few bugs a day, sometimes just one. His menu consists of silk worms, crickets, mealworms, super worms, butter worms, phoenix worms and wax worms. I gut load them with carrots, and sometimes orange pieces, also oats and bran, and then flucker's cricket gutload, the dry kind, and the wet yellow kind.
Supplements- mon cal, tue cal, wed cal, thurs cal, fri cal, sat cal with d3, sun herptivite.
Watering- I have a dripper, but I don't use it consistantly. He never seems interested in it.
Fecal- Has been pooping regularly until the past day or two, just after I noticed he wasn't doing so well. Urates normally white, poo is generally firm.
He's never been tested for parasites.

I have the terramycin because he's had eye problems before. Previously when he had I troubles I went to the vet and they gave me something, and told me to use that and if it didnt' work, to use the terramycin. The stuff he gave me didn't work so I tried the terramycin which worked.

I had talked with my vet about giving him preformed vitA, and after giving him some, we decided it was enough and switched back to his reg supplements. That was several months ago.
"Wilson" is a great name.

It's sort of hard to say whether he looks good or not because his eyes are obviously closed and that's not the norm in pictures.

I agree his neck looks problematic and if you've factored "vet visit" into your budget, that would seem to be in order.

If you don't have those funds available, consider consulting the place you bought him from. I know that I have seen people bringing their chameleons back to the store for assistance. If it's a reputable reptile seller or breeder you'll probably get helpful information. (not a major chain pet store)

Ultimately, you may need to consult a vet. I believe there's a link here for vets experienced in chams...I'm sure someone smarter than me will post it.
Here's his info:

Supplements- mon cal, tue cal, wed cal, thurs cal, fri cal, sat cal with d3, sun herptivite.

If the Calcium with D3 and Herptivite are being given every week, that is to much. Some people do not even supplement their Jackson's with D3 or the vitamin. I would have a vet check him out for sure.
wilson not looking so good !

short answer; NO./ sorry to say your boy wilson is definitely not looking good. a vet visit to an experienced cham vet asap, is defintely in order, if you can afford it. in the meantime, at the very least, it would definitely be prudent to fill out the help form in its entirety (edit/which i see you have), but also paying particular attn to the lighting, gutloading, and supplementation portions. eye treatment would likely be more called for, if just one eye was closed, or he was displaying symptoms of eye problems based on its own merit. in this case however, i am afraid his eye problems (combined with his gular edema and general, poor appearance) are more indicative of a much greater problem, like gout (possibly from too much protein in the feeders), or worse, gular edema [frequently attributed to oversupplementation, more specifically, , i would discontinue any further supplementation except for calcium with no D3 and keep him as well hydrated as possible. you might also want to take a better look at what your feeders are eating and discontinue any ingredients like dog food. it might also be helpful to view the following thread in its entirety. . montanes are in general, are more sensitive than other chameleons and special consideration should be given to their lighting, diet, and supplmentation, any views given are just opinions, and not meant to take the place of actual vet care./edit/ in further review of your help form, i would like to add this , a 35watt (max) incandescent is usually all that is required for a xanth basking light, a hundred watt anything is definitely excessive unless it is at least 3+' away, a noncontact device such as a a lazer or infra red therm is not an accurate way of measuring ambient air temp(they are much better at measuring solid objects like a climbing branch or the cham itself), a digital therm with a thermocouple (probe) would be a better tool. also a (full strength like herptivite or reptivite) multivitamin, should never be given to a xanth (or any chameleon) on a weekly basis, there in lies your problem, ie, excessive oversupplementation. all of the previous advice still holds, and a blood panel is now more neccessary than previously thought and jmo
xanthoman said..."also herptivite is a multivitamin, that contains significant amounts of prefomed vitamin A"... from the following site..."HERPTIVITE is the first reptile vitamin without Vitamin A. Instead we use Beta Carotene which is an anti-oxidant that is converted into Vitamin A in a regulated way, so there is no threat of Vitamin A toxicity."
xanthoman said..."also herptivite is a multivitamin, that contains significant amounts of prefomed vitamin A"... from the following site..."HERPTIVITE is the first reptile vitamin without Vitamin A. Instead we use Beta Carotene which is an anti-oxidant that is converted into Vitamin A in a regulated way, so there is no threat of Vitamin A toxicity."
my apolgies, you are correct, i was thinking of reptivite ( contains 99,910 IU VITAMIN A per lb).
that being said, the condition of the animal combined with other info given still leads me to believe it is some sort of supplementation/protein issue
OK, I've stopped giving him any suppliments, (of course he hasn't really been eating for a few days, so I couldn't even if I wanted to). Wilson no longer looks swollen, but he is still sitting with his eyes closed and today when I got home from work I found him sitting in his lower plant hiding between leaves. This is unusual for him because he normally stays near the top of his cage.
I'm now giving him eye treatmeant, so hopefully that will help starting soon.
In regards to his lighting. The light I have (the 100watt basking light) is above his cage, not touching it, but very close, and his basking branch is about 4 inchs bellow it. I have a therm with a probe that's tied around that basking branch which is how I measure the temp in his basking spot. What is the ideal temp for a Jackson's basking spot?
OK, I've stopped giving him any suppliments, (of course he hasn't really been eating for a few days, so I couldn't even if I wanted to). Wilson no longer looks swollen, but he is still sitting with his eyes closed and today when I got home from work I found him sitting in his lower plant hiding between leaves. This is unusual for him because he normally stays near the top of his cage.
I'm now giving him eye treatmeant, so hopefully that will help starting soon.
In regards to his lighting. The light I have (the 100watt basking light) is above his cage, not touching it, but very close, and his basking branch is about 4 inchs bellow it. I have a therm with a probe that's tied around that basking branch which is how I measure the temp in his basking spot. What is the ideal temp for a Jackson's basking spot?

No more than 85 I believe. That 100 watt light is way to much man, you need to go with a 50-60 watt bulb
Jacksons don't take too well to higher temperatures, the 100 w basking bulb is probably cooking him slowly. Try a 40 watt or lower to get around 85 degrees
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