Does your Cham do this too?


New Member
Ok so I have a 2 month old veiled chameleon and she LOVES being handled literally! She doesn't get stressed out or anything. Anyway I had her today and I was on my phone and she was on my hair lol yes she likes being on my hair, she comes down and tries to get on top of my phone and I guess because iPhones get warm she likes it there and today she fell asleep on top of it, it was the cutest thing!! Look at some pics,dnp2P25
Ok so I have a 2 month old veiled chameleon and she LOVES being handled literally! She doesn't get stressed out or anything. Anyway I had her today and I was on my phone and she was on my hair lol yes she likes being on my hair, she comes down and tries to get on top of my phone and I guess because iPhones get warm she likes it there and today she fell asleep on top of it, it was the cutest thing!! Look at some pics,dnp2P25

Given a choice, most chams try to climb as high off the ground as possible. It doesn't necessarily mean she loves you, your hair or being in it, just that your head is the highest point!
Yea my chameleon likes to sit on my head, he once even jumped on my head when I had the cage door open and was cleaning the bottom with some wipes and not looking at what he was doing. I used to think it was because he liked being on my head but as Carlton pointed out he's just going for the highest point. If you stretch out your hand and arm over your head you'll notice she'll probably try and make her way up your arm to be on your hand.
Ok so I have a 2 month old veiled chameleon and she LOVES being handled literally! She doesn't get stressed out or anything. Anyway I had her today and I was on my phone and she was on my hair lol yes she likes being on my hair, she comes down and tries to get on top of my phone and I guess because iPhones get warm she likes it there and today she fell asleep on top of it, it was the cutest thing!! Look at some pics,dnp2P25

chameleons don´t fall aslepp when they are too stressed to handle the situation they close their eyes as a way of accepting dead
My girlfriend is very warm naturally, so my cham falls asleep any time he sits on her hand.

chameleons don't sleep because of warmth, do a quick research here " my chameleon sleeping during the day" or chameleon napping"

you are interpreting a reptile defence mechanism as a mammals response to interaction
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