Dog problems! Help!

Aww too cute. Looks like a minpin-jack russel mix.

I seriously recommend bully sticks as well, they're like cocaine for dogs. I like the bully stick rings, because it takes that much longer to chew threw it and start working at an end. They're a little costly for what they are, but they're excellent.

I'd keep her in the crate at night only because it will keep cementing the crate as a good place. You get more comfortable somewhere if you sleep there, so at least for a couple weeks I'd let her sleep in there. My sheltie slept in her crate for about a month and then graduated to the bedroom with me once it was established that the bedroom was an extension of her "den," and that she couldn't pee there either. The rest of the house took a little longer to train, but eventually she got it. Removing all traces of urine smell with a good pet-odor-specific cleaner is a necesity.
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