How do I know when she is done? I know you are supposed top wait until she is out of the hole and the hole is covered but how do I make sure? This is a little complicated but I am going to try and type it the best i can. I had to leave out of town for a few days and in the proses of doing so I had to put Ashes "Veiled Chameleon" In her laying bin. She was in there for maybe a day less then 24 hours. Well My brother and his girlfriend was watching her for me. I told them not to touch her unless I say so. Well they called me and told me they took her out They said she was still in the hole facing out like as if she was covering the hole or still laying! Anyways. They said they took her out because she was covered in dirt and couldn't open her eyes, They cleaned her off then put her back in. Then I guess she was just sitting there so they put her in her cage. Well this was about 5 days ago maybe. Yesterday I go to check on her see how she is doing and she is at the bottom of her cage trying to dig. I look closer and I see 4 eggs at the bottom of her cage. So I hurried up and put her in her bin she was digging for a while She was digging a lot. She has been in there for almost 24 hours and now she is dong the same thing my brother said she did before. She is facing out of the hole but still in there and she is covered in dirt her eyes are closed and she is just sitting/laying there? When I put my hand in there to take the picture she didn't even move. Should I do anything?