Don't throw those old eggs away!


New Member
So, you have some eggs that haven't hatched in 13 1/2 months and you are sure that they are either infertiles or the babies died or..... You need the space and are thinking of tossing the box. DON'T!!!!

About 4 months ago (hey Danny, how old are they???) I had 2 Verrucosus Chameleon eggs hatch and the babies grew fast. They were adorable and were rehomed in a blink of an eye. I had 26 eggs and 3 turned yellow and shriveled leaving 21 eggs just sitting there in the box. I checked up on them every now and again and nothing. I candled them and didn't see anything inside. Really, I was going to toss them, but they just didn't shrivel.

Well, today I looked and found a little baby running around. WOW! I have high hopes for the rest of the 20 eggs. I may still be seeing some more emerging.

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of the 26 verrucosus eggs.


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yeah! awesome! I just picked up a verru about a month ago and he is awesome! Good luck with the rest of the eggs! I'll be paying attention! :)
Congrats!!! I have always followed the rule " Don't throw them out until they shrivel and mold" hasn't failed me yet. That baby is beautiful :D Keep us updated on the rest I am excited to see if they hatch too! :D:D:D:D
good news! congrats on the hatching

I had panther eggs sit for over 13 months before hatching too. Not unheard of. so you're right - NEVER toss white unmolded eggs!
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