Double-headed Repti Fogger tube by Zoo Med?


New Member
Hey all! I have an older male Jackson's and recently a brand new baby male veiled cham. I am willing to buy another repti fogger from my local PetSmart, however, I was curious if there was a double-headed tube? For two enclosures? Has anyone ever run into this problem?

Do you think its best I just buy another? Thoughts?
Why do you need a fogger? I read somewhere that providing humidity by hooking a humidifier up to the cage can cause respiratory problems like infection.

I'm not an expert... anyone else have insight into this?

You guys I found this!

I spent a couple months of Max's life using my mister, but I found even misting 7 or more times in a day I still wasn't able to keep the humidity where I wanted it - 60%+. I invested in the Repti Fogger by Zoo Med - it's a very very fine mist (smoke-like) and I only use distilled water so he doesn't get eye problems. Also have never heard that it could cause bad effects, but I'd like to hear about this also! :eek: What do you use? just a mister?
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