Hello, I just posted a pic of my new Jackson cham yesterday. Well I got him at a bad time for him. Not only is he dealing with relocation stress but he also began shedding. I hope this does not effect him too much.
Great news he ate today. I usually cup feed my chameleons by holding the cup for them. He went inside the cup ate most of the crickets and turned a lime green color for a bit. I think he will be fine.
Sounds like your cham is doing fine.
He would likely not have climbed into the cup while you were holding it
unless he trusted you.
And lime green = happy
I came home from a trip to the store and he looks asleep sideways at 5 in the after noon/night. His color was a lime green until I woke him up. I don't know if he is sick so ill keep an eye on him. BTW I went and got a 15 watt bulb since he is in a small cage and anything more to me would heat the inside of the cage too much. His cage at the moment is in a dark area of the living room/kitchen so he propbably thought it was night time.