Drainage system


New Member
As I continue to research what's needed for a Cham, I am a little c fused about the drainage and if a drip system and misting system is needed. Or just one? And then when is the drainage system required?
I would recommend both. Misting systems help keep a chameleon hydrated and helps with the humidity. A dripper will also do both but provide a constant drip for chams to recognize. I've read that some chams won't utilize a dripper ever. In some cases people have to run long misting sessions to get their Cham to drink. I would recommend a mistking misting system. Absolutely one of the best investments I've made for my chameleon. Good luck
I have a drainage system that empties into a catch pail. I dump it out weekly and it's only a 1/4 full (4 gallon pail). Most of the mist stays on the plants and foliage. I squeegee any remaining water into the drain nightly so it won't foster any bacteria on the cage bottom.
A drainage system is needed both for you and your chameleon's benefit. Piling standing water is a good habitat for bacteria to grow and have shown in the past to cause respiratory problems. Chameleons are naturally weak to this disease and is a common problem among keepers.

Making a drain will prevent this from happening. Usually keepers will drill holes in a grid like pattern into their cage and than place a pan underneath to collect the water and empty it.

Most users on here prefer custom enclosures so will often use one drain hole, typically like that of a sink where water can fall in, go through a pipe and empty into a bucket and be used as a reservoir.

Misting is the administration of water to your cham. Either manual misting or installing an automatic misting system. This misting will administer water to your leafs where your cham can lap it up. The mist will drip everywhere and if it does not drain it will flood and can potentially chill your chameleon

Drippers are normally used as an extra method to administer water as chameleons will respond to moving water. Consideration they are also susceptible to dehydration it's always good to keep an extra watering system.

Sorry for going into lengths, I hope this helped :D
No it's exactly what I needed. What's the largest size cage to go with for a new juvi Cham. I'll wait till its older to get a high quality one.
No it's exactly what I needed. What's the largest size cage to go with for a new juvi Cham. I'll wait till its older to get a high quality one.

If he/she is already a juviniel get a 4ftx2ftx2ft. They will appreciate the room to grow. If they are finding food easily and can hunt a bigger cage is a great idea.
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