

New Member
Alright, so I'm going to be getting a MistKing soon (hopefully!) so I really need to figure out a way to get some good drainage. What I was thinking was getting something like a baking pan to set under the enclosure... but I'm not sure how I could raise the cage up enough to not be sitting in the water. Any tips?
The only problem with those things is that I want to be able to just pull the pan out.

Although I guess if I figure out a way to slope the bottom of the enclosure and drain throguh a hole from there that could work. Not sure how I'd slope it, though :/
LLL Reptile has cage trays that your cage can sit in and they can be modified to add a drain to one side. I remember seeing a post on modifying them here and I have done so for mine. If you would like to see a pic let me know an I can upload.
The only problem with those things is that I want to be able to just pull the pan out.

Although I guess if I figure out a way to slope the bottom of the enclosure and drain throguh a hole from there that could work. Not sure how I'd slope it, though :/

A couple of ideas for you:

You can find various pans or even plastic sweater boxes to put under your cage. Look for concrete mixing trays or forms, an appliance drain pan (washing machines, dishwashers, water heater, etc), even a hydroponics flood table, or make one out of chloroplast or ABS plastic sheets. To get the water to a drain all you need to do is tilt the entire pan/cage assembly a tiny bit by putting a shim under one side. If you don't want to tilt the cage you can always use an aquarium syphon into a bucket. If the cage frame is going to sit in the pan, you can raise it slightly using plastic bottle caps or plastic furniture leg skids.
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