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I have 2x2x4 cage with no bottom that fits in a pan with a 2 inch lip. I want to fill this with bigger size gravel so the water can drain through the gravel into a hose in the side of the pan into a container. is it ok to have gravel in the cage as long as it drains with no standing water. thanks
Welcome to the forum.

Why not just leave it empty?

I wouldn't use gravel, maybe bigger river rocks. This way there is no possible way for the cham to injest it.
Why not cover the pan with a fabric mesh? Soft surface should your chameleon fall, water passes through it easily. If you have a reason for the gravel (cleaning out the water?) that would prevent the chameleon from accidentally ingesting any.
how do you think a grass carpet would do instead of the rocks made to get wet used for pool areas? thanks
I think it would get icky over time and probably harbor bacteria as with anything that gets wet and sits in water over and over. JMO
Yeah, I think the "ick" factor would be pretty high pretty quick on that.

Someone recently said they use those foam squares you can buy at craft shops. They're somewhat absorbent and don't cost a lot (when bought in big packages) so can easily be tossed out and replaced.
then what would be a good bottom for my cage? any ideas, wine corks, marbles large gravel

i use doggy pee pads. all my plants are potted and easily moveable. so i change my flooring every couple days. its easy and the pee pads lay very flat, absorb water, and are relatively inexpensive
then what would be a good bottom for my cage? any ideas, wine corks, marbles large gravel

Well, I mentioned the foam squares. However, you don't need anything on the bottom of the cage. It will be easier to keep clean if it's just a plastic bottom.
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