Drinking enough water

I'm curious how you can tell if your Cham is getting enough water. This is our female veiled, Echo. She's about 4 months from what I gather. I've seen her drink once. I can't tell if her eyes seem sunken in.


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I have had my one chameleon for about 15 months and have only seen him drink about 3 times! No lie!
If I see any of my chameleons drink, I am worried something is wrong! The only time I see them drink is after the females have laid their eggs, otherwise I never see them drink. I have an automatic misting system and run it a lot.

As someone posted, dehydration will show up with orange urates (the white part). Sometimes the tip of the urate will be orange, but that is okay.

Usually before the urates become orange, dehydration will show up in the eyes and the skin. Everything sort of deflates--you notice it around the hips/back/base of tail. They just suddenly look skinnier and their eyes might appear to be sunken in.
Wel It depends on what chameleon is . I have Melleri's and they drink every time I spray water with machine, 2 times a day 20min . They drink a lot of water.
From what I've read here and on flchams.com, you will rarely see a Veiled Cham drink water. We were hand misting for the past 6 months but upgraded to a humidifier this winter! He seems to swallow the water that runs down from his casque when we mist. I know everyone will doubt this and maybe I should stop but I placed a water bowl in there at the beginning (because i was a nervous parent, even though his urates look normal, and wanted to make sure he had plenty of sources of water. Oh and hopefully nobody worries too much for him, I rinse it everyday and clean it every other) and he has loves to go down there for a nice long drink every once in a while since day one! He watches water droplets on his plants all the time, seemingly half interested. He is so suspicious of the new mister but I think he will like the finer mist much better than hand misting!

Don't worry too much as long as you are doing all the right things and you are on this forum. This place has been SO helpful to me as a newbie!
We have the automatic mister. It's the monsoon maker we purchased at Petco. O insisted on getting the mist king but my husband went and spent the money on the monsoon machine anyways. We can't get it to mist more than 2 minutes at a time. Is this enough for her? We have it go off every 2 hours during the day. She definitely has normal urates. The only time I saw her drink was when we were hand misting and her humidity got pretty low. I think she was thirsty because she tried to take a bite out of a plant we let her perch on while we cleaned her cage.
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