Drinking!? + New pitcher of tommy


New Member
Is it normal for a chameleon to drink out of still water ?
Couse tommy does ahah seen him do it a lot

Plus a little pitcher I took like 10 mins ago when he was out little angry tho aha


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Why does he have access to still water in the first place?

its not normal, and can cause bacteria to grow.
You should get a potted plant or figure out a different way to catch your water

if a bug lands in that water and there is bacteria in it, or the bug poops in it, and then your cham ingests that bug or that water.. it can cause some serious issues.
I would recommend against this. Although there are chams that will drink out of still water, it is better that they don't. Still water has a huge risk to produce bacteria and other harmful things to your cham. I personally use an automatic mister that I LOVE, but other very food things are manual misting and drippers (which you can make if on a budget). Some pet stores and other vendors can be very misleading by selling these things with a set-up. BTW Pet stores, unless reptile specific, rarely know anything about the chams they sell. Hope this helps :)
If this is what it is used for...then you need to figure out a drain system that works the best for you. Even if changed everyday...it's still a very bad idea.
Oh God didn't no it was this bad :L glad I put it up now , right ill get on it soon as possible thanks big help!
I think the people here are over-reacting a bit, granted I am not experienced with chameleons specifically but have heard many other reptiles. And where still water may not be ideal for the reasons listed at the end of the day these animals are still quite primal and dealt with quite worse in the wild, even CB animals will still have certain immune system properties from their wild background. So again it is not ideal and all of these people have a point with bacteria or a bug, but think about what was in the wild between wild fungi, thousands of bugs and of course bacteria
I think the people here are over-reacting a bit, granted I am not experienced with chameleons specifically but have heard many other reptiles. And where still water may not be ideal for the reasons listed at the end of the day these animals are still quite primal and dealt with quite worse in the wild, even CB animals will still have certain immune system properties from their wild background. So again it is not ideal and all of these people have a point with bacteria or a bug, but think about what was in the wild between wild fungi, thousands of bugs and of course bacteria

So because our captive bred (never seen a wild environment ever) chams have the potential of coming in contact with bacteria and such in the wild, again an environment they will never see, we shouldn't worry too much?

Or how about we play it safe and make sure we provide the best environment possible and try avoid ALL situations that could cause a health issue?

Personally, I am for playing it safe.
I think the people here are over-reacting a bit, granted I am not experienced with chameleons specifically but have heard many other reptiles. And where still water may not be ideal for the reasons listed at the end of the day these animals are still quite primal and dealt with quite worse in the wild, even CB animals will still have certain immune system properties from their wild background. So again it is not ideal and all of these people have a point with bacteria or a bug, but think about what was in the wild between wild fungi, thousands of bugs and of course bacteria
Well first of which chameleons are quite more sensitive than other reptiles...hence why people need to do the research and why they are NOT a beginner pet. Any animal has dangers in the wild...but then we do want to keep our guys alive lol

The point is if you want a healthy cham and you do not want to RISK it...then standing water is a no no for chams.
You should get a potted plant or figure out a different way to catch your water

if a bug lands in that water and there is bacteria in it, or the bug poops in it, and then your cham ingests that bug or that water.. it can cause some serious issues.

If the dish is cleaned daily so that it is only fresh water accumulating, how can that be harmful?I fail to see how a tiny amount of cricket feces could hurt a chameleon...they do ingest them whole at natural feedings and everything in them, including poop.

Perhaps this cham enjoys bowl drinking and if its cleaned daily there would not be the issue of bacteria.

Of course there is an argument that the leaves the water is dripping down could contain a lot of feces from the chameleon itself, in which case the water would likely be contaminated.however keeping a clean enclosure could prevent that.

I would say only allow it if you can ensure clean water, which isn't likely but is possible for the most part. I wouldn't risk it personally...and what happens when you forget to bowl clean for a few days and your cham drinks out of there? Eep.
You guys must be really that dense huh, if you read my post completely and understood it you would realize I am not supporting the fact that his cham does drink still water but you guys are making it seem like his cham is already doomed and will be dead soon. And again I did say its not ideal but it is also not going to be immediately fatal.
Calm down! No big issue I've removed it so it all good , just buy a mister.
Do you still have to spray when you have a mister ??
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