Drip System or Spray?

I use an auto mister.

I used to use a hand held spray bottle and a dripper.. but once i got my mistking, i only use the mist system.
Just got my mistking last week and it is amazing. I had a dripper and spray bottle for about a week then decided that wouldn't work when I had to work so this helped A LOT. I still use the dripper all day though.
I to just got my Mist King a few days ago I had the Monsoon Automatic Mister and thats GARBAGE !!!!!!! Mist King All The WAY !!!!!!!! But I use both Mist king and a Dripper. Why not have both you know you never know when the cham will be thirsty and the sprayer wont spray for another hour or so so why not have both I hop this helps !:D
Is there any sort of consensus on whether you need a dripper AND MistKing? I'd like to just go with the MistKing if possible - but I do realize they are different forms of water delivery. Does anyone know if the MistKing drips enough (not using the zip drip) to function as a quasi-drip system?

Thanks in advance!

Try the Mistking by itself for a while. If you begin seeing orange in your cham's urate, add a dripper.

I use my Mistking alone on my two panthers and in combo with a homemade fogger for my Jackson.
Is there any sort of consensus on whether you need a dripper AND MistKing? I'd like to just go with the MistKing if possible - but I do realize they are different forms of water delivery. Does anyone know if the MistKing drips enough (not using the zip drip) to function as a quasi-drip system?

Thanks in advance!

I guess you don't really NEED both but why not have em both? Like LitldevlblueBar said you never know, your Cham could be thirsty and your mister might not go off for another hour. With being able to easily make a homemade dripper why not have it just as extra?
Is there any sort of consensus on whether you need a dripper AND MistKing? I'd like to just go with the MistKing if possible - but I do realize they are different forms of water delivery. Does anyone know if the MistKing drips enough (not using the zip drip) to function as a quasi-drip system?

Thanks in advance!


I'd say there can't really be a consensus about this because everyone's situation is different. Whether the MistKing creates enough drinking drips for a long enough period depends on several things...how much foliage the cage has available to hold the droplets, the relative humidity in the room that affects how fast the droplets dry and evaporate, how often and how long the mister runs each cycle, and also the cham who lives there. Some chams really hate spraying and may just crouch somewhere until the foliage dries off...but may go willingly to a dripper instead. Again, if the room is dry and the cham tends to get thirsty quicker, it may prefer misting as a source of drinking. A dripper might not attract their attention as well.

I think the bottom line is (as in so many other things)...it depends. A dripper on its own isn't going to affect the cage's overall humidity level much, and humidity does affect how often and how much a cham needs to drink. Misting does supply both general humidity and a source of drinking water, but it might need a dripper to lengthen the time when moving water is actually available to the cham. Whether you need both or not is just going to depend on your particular setup and climate. So, trial and error is the best way to find out.
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Sounds cool! I might want one since I have a busy schedule and don't have time to mist sometimes-I get somebody else to do it.

If you have a busy schedule or if you like to go on day trips/weekend trips then an automated misting system is essential.

I personally use and recommend the MistKing system. Best bang for your buck in automated misting. Don't waste your time on Habamist or Cyclone.

There is also Aquazamp misting systems but I have never used one.

Here are some links.


Is there any sort of consensus on whether you need a dripper AND MistKing? I'd like to just go with the MistKing if possible - but I do realize they are different forms of water delivery. Does anyone know if the MistKing drips enough (not using the zip drip) to function as a quasi-drip system?

Thanks in advance!


The zipdrip prevents dripping from the spray nozzle by removing the residual pressure following a misting sequence. I've only noticed that the nozzles only drip for about a minute at the most without the zip drip.

Both companies have rain makers as options for there systems. Personally I think the Aquazamp Rain Domes are superior to Mistking's but I haven't used either companies version.

I am purchasing an Aquazamp Rain Dome in the near future.
The zipdrip prevents dripping from the spray nozzle by removing the residual pressure following a misting sequence. I've only noticed that the nozzles only drip for about a minute at the most without the zip drip.

Both companies have rain makers as options for there systems. Personally I think the Aquazamp Rain Domes are superior to Mistking's but I haven't used either companies version.

I am purchasing an Aquazamp Rain Dome in the near future.
I don't have the zip drip and my nozzle only drips about 3 large drops and it's done.
The zipdrip prevents dripping from the spray nozzle by removing the residual pressure following a misting sequence. I've only noticed that the nozzles only drip for about a minute at the most without the zip drip.

Both companies have rain makers as options for there systems. Personally I think the Aquazamp Rain Domes are superior to Mistking's but I haven't used either companies version.

I am purchasing an Aquazamp Rain Dome in the near future.

The RainDome is also the invention of AquaZamp.

Advantage of the RainDome is that it prevents your lights from getting wet and is much more stable on top of the cage.

Check out the LowProfile RainDome, the newest version in the RainDome 'family'

I look forward to your purchase! Let me know if you have ANY questions.
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