Dripper: too much or nothing ?


New Member
Just got my little guy a dripper. The zoo med little dripper to be exact. The concept is excellent. The execution... not so much. The issue is with the valve that turns the water off and on. It’s either dripping waaay to fast or not at all. There is literally no in between.
Anybody have a great tip or trick?
I just fill mine up with ice in the morning. It will last for 2-3 hours easy if you keep the lid on.
Gave up on drippers fairly quickly for this and other reasons. I lived in very dry climates and had to drench the cage foliage multiple times a day anyway. What was the point? Fussing with them just wasn't worth it. Actually, when I first started keeping chams terrarium drippers weren't available. We "built" our own using IV apparatus from medical supplies. Those precision valves must work reliably...and they did. Like many other keepers I switched to herp drippers once they hit the market, and wasn't impressed.
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