Drop-in Manzanita Features

I have finished a couple more of the custom 18 X 18 features, but I still have this one for 12 X 12 X 18.

I got a few update pictures for the planting in my 12 X 12 X 18 setup with the drop-in feature and other stuff. The plants are growing in nicely.

That feature for the 12 X 12 X 18 sold already, but I hope to have one or two more to match that enclosure size on the way pretty soon. I also have a larger manzy stump here that I can use to make one for an 18 X 18 Exo.

This is another option that I can offer. I used a window screen kit to build this fitted aluminum screen to cover the rest of the enclosure top in front of the plastic plate. There is plenty of space here for the Exo Terra hood light fixture. Note how the closure tabs also secure both the screen and the plate.

Here's another new ready-made feature that I made. This one will go right into a 15-gallon fish tank (12" X 12" X 24") or a 20 High with a few inches of media.


The plastic plate fits into the aquarium top rim and covers the rear 4" of enclosure top. I recommend covering the remaining top area with either a piece of plate glass (for a high-humidity setup) or aluminum screen (for more ventilated setup). If you use a glass top I can cut a round 1/2" notch along the front edge of the plate for easy lifting out with your fingertip. I can make a screen top (see above post) to match the opening size as well.
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Here is a picture of the the feature I just received, it's for a 18x18x24 exo and fit is beautiful. One of the great things about these is that you can very easily pull the whole thing out in 5sec to clean and hose down when you geckos/chameleons are extra messy. I can't wait to get this thing planted and ready for a crestie:cool:
Nothing exotic. Been there done that and Cresties with all their jumping and clumsiness destroy anything even remotely delicate :( I had orchids and all sorts of air plants in the first viv I did and within a week or two everything that wasn't super hardy was destroyed. So some I already have and some I still need to pick up.
Looks awesome! I need to get me one of these for my crestie.

Great idea on utilizing space.

Keep me posted if you ever have one for the 12x12x18 exo terra!

I will be definitely be watching this space!
manzanita deco's

I have a 48" x 23est all screen aluminum cage..how do you get that to stand up?
Lobe your idea..Is everything sterilized and organic? Phylicia/Rango Jr my Cham
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